Monday, November 29, 2010

Slick Jonestown Massacre

A cult moves 900 hundred people to a complex in the jungle in Guyana. Reports are that people are being subjected to weird mind control experiments and drugs. A congressman finally goes to check it out for himself with an NBC reporter and others, one state department man along for the ride is Richard Dwyer. While visiting, the congressman gets gunned down along with the reporter and most of the crew. Then 900 people killed themselves all at once. One of the men who strangely escapes getting shot down, is Richard Dwyer. Oh yes, one thing Richard Dwyer forgot to tell all of his murdered travel mates before they get shot to death, is that he is a CIA agent.
Oh also, most of the people didn't actually kill themselves but were shot or held down and injected. Alot of the men women and children were actually hunted down in the surrounding jungle and then dragged back to camp.
Oh, and their leader Jim Jones had major CIA connections and in the last recording made, during the last moments of Jonestown, Jones is heard ordering people to get Dwyer (our CIA agent) out before he gets hurt.
Also, they found enough Thorazine there along with other mind control drugs to drug an entire city, daily for years.
I've already written about the MK Ultra experiments. The CIA wanted to learn how to control peoples minds. Jonestown was the biggest and most evil mind control experiment ever.
Also, before becoming the cult complex. Jonestown was used as a CIA base for training contras.
It goes on and on, but what can you do about it? So horrible, the truth is in this case. And yet it's only slightly more horrible than the official story of a bunch of cult people killing themselves.
Knowing the truth, is just slightly worse than knowing the lie at first.
But when i really start thinking about it, it makes me happy to know that even after being promised utopia, then duped into a real shitty situation, in the middle of the jungle, where they were drugged and robbed of all personal freedom, with no hope for escape, those people didn't all kill themselves. Yes they were murdered, which sucks, but the point is that the experiment didn't work.
The CIA wanted and expected the people, like sheep, to give in and kill themselves when ordered to. But if you listen to the last tape, where Jones tells them to kill themselves, the people are clearly saying, "No." They refused to kill themselves. They were not completely brainwashed.
That's why it makes me happy to know that the CIA murdered 900 innocent people.

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