Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pleiadians Shot Down California Mystery Missile!

Well, apparently the mystery of the missile shot off the Cali coast the other day has been solved by this blond chick who channels aliens and has alien kids. Pleiadians are ancient aliens that protect us from our selves and the reptilians. The reptilians kill us, lie to us, 9/11 us, chem trail us, and occasionally eat us or sell us as meat once every fifty years. But shit, this lady will tell you all about it. She might be truth teller of the year. I give her mad credit for having the guts to talk about, Aliens, Reptilians, Chem trails, Pharmaceuticals, the CIA, Obama and War with Iran, all in one 4 minute clip. Speak that truth lady! It sounds so good when you do!!

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