Monday, November 1, 2010

Betting on 9/11

Here is an abc news story a week or so after 9/11. It turns out there was money to be made, not just in the war, and weapons contracts, and the oil to be collected of course, buuuut, the very moment the planes (holograms) hit the buildings. Yup, if you knew they were gonna blow up the building and played the stock market accordingly, you stood to make billions. So basically that's what the CIA (Wallstreet) did. They placed put options (bets that the stock is going to drop (which seems like a shady option even to offer, but that's the stock market for you)) on American Airlines and a bunch of world trade center tenant corporations. And they didn't even try to make it look legit, cause who's gonna stop them? They bought, on the Thursday before 9/11, tons of these options were placed (in same cases like 90 times the normal amount) The abc analyst guy says it is not a coincidence. But the ABC guys are naive enough to think it was the "terrorists." Though i guess it was. You know but like the suit wearing kind, not the cave ones probably.

next, this video explains the same thing, but goes into which corporations and traders got the put options. It turns out it was some high up CIA (wallstreet) people. I apologize for this guys dorky voice. But the video is informative and truthful.

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