Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time Travel

A friend turned me on to time travel. Apparently there are lots of people talking about a guy who they found talking on his cell phone in a Charlie Chaplin movie. Cell phones were not invented then. As well, the technology does not yet exist to digitally place new images into old films. As we saw in Forrest Gump, one must time travel to the future just to get the digital technology necessary to make it look like Tom Hanks talked to John Lennon on the silver screen. That said, I thought today, election day, a good day to abandon politics for a moment, and share my favorite time travel worm hole story, also involving cell phones and youtube. Feel free to vote silently as to whether or not this dude is giving us a straight story. Truth or lies? I think truth. Why would he lie? Why invite this sort of scrutiny with zero chance of gain? And could a crazy person really construct such concrete fake evidence? Why? How? The world is a many splendid mystery machine of truth. Thank the truth Gods this man had his cell phone before he crawled under his sink and met himself.

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