Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Purling Hiss

I saw the Philadelphian band Purling Hiss last week opening for Kurt Vile and the Violator's (who I am "officially" indifferent too). I was checking them out because Aquarius Records had made their album "Public Service Announcement" their top album of the week, and the couple of clips I listened to sounded like it was in the same vein of Wavves, Crocodiles, Best Coast, Dum Dum Girls, Meth Teeth, etc.--which I've been listening to a lot of lately. Purling Hiss' live show was ok, with the exception being the lead guitarist/singer who was shredding on his guitar pretty hard at least once a song, which I always appreciate, and he had a look in his eye like he could see something else in the room that nobody else could (but was as used to it as he could be). One song in particular stuck with me enough that I bought their record (admittedly I tried to download their album prior to the show, but it's only on vinyl and not well spread enough to be available). Although their show was fairly straight forward rock, at least half of the album is zoney psychedelic instrumental chill-on-the-couch music, and the whole LP sounds like it was recorded on a 4-track and then played through an AM radio station sometime between the early 70s and now. Totally awesome! And I still can't stop listening to this song, to the point where I've hooked up my record player to the computer and recorded it here for you to check out:
  Purling Hiss - Run From The City by RemLezar

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