Saturday, November 20, 2010

In 2012 we won't be able to see Boobs on the Internet!!!

The end of the world, the end of the internet, the end of boobs is coming. Some people fear the poles shifting in 2012. Some people think it will be the rapture, or the super Yellow stone super volcano will go off. Or you know, giant waves, or nuclear war, Palin gets elected, lots of scary stuff is expected.
Me, I'm deep in a secret bunker, so that shit won't bother me. I can withstand the waves and bombs and volcanoes and pole shifts down here, and i don't care who the president is. Only one thing scares me. The end of the internet. The end of boobs. Which is exactly what these net neutral, boob waving, doomsday warning, nerds are here to warn us about. This video was easy to find cause of the boobs. Though it's a little old, they have a dire warning about the end of truth blogging and boob ogling. They pleasantly supply their audience with boobs while we learn about the coming doom and the end of boobs. Alex Jones should consider adding more boobs to his broadcasts. And so should i.
(for some reason when i embed, instead of the front cover picture for this video being giant boob lady, it's a picture of a skinny internet dork...i can't apologize enough, and i assure you that i clicked on this originally because of the front page boobs, and the truth...truth=boobs)
2012, the end of the internet, the end of these boobs.

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