Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Truth has taken Geraldo

I imagine Geraldo was eating his morning oatmeal, sprinkled with gold, having it spooned into his mouth by several scantily clad teenage white slaves, when he saw a commercial that made him spit take his breakfast all over his marble dinning table.
The commercial about how some people had loved ones that died during 9/11 and those people wanted to know how their families died. They were upset that the 9/11 commission report, after ten years, still doesn't really make any sense, and doesn't even mention that a third sky scraper was demolished that day. Also, they wondered why thousands of engineers, who had nothing to gain, thought that the dirtiest government since governments, might have maybe lied to us, and given us a pretty shoddy if not retarded scientific explanation of how the three buildings collapsed. Anyhoo, then Geraldo probably fucked some of his white slaves (he is a white slaver, because he's too racist to be around other races, even when they are his servants) strapped on his pistol, and went to work, to spit a little truth on that which is fair, that which is balanced, Fox. Truth.
Surprisingly, though he normally hates the truth, and truthers, and conspiracy fact-ists, this commercial changed him. This time, Geraldo actually watched the 5 second clips of building seven being demolished (clips that have been around for nearly 10 years), yup he finally got around to devoting five of his professional investigative journalist seconds, to a clip that millions upon millions of people, have begged the media to explain, or at least look at for the last ten years. And Geraldo said, "you know that building looked like it was demolished. I wonder why the government won't admit that it was wired and blown up?" It only took ten years, and now he's finally come around to the truth. Also, real quick at the end of the clip, he dismissively, like it's common sense, thinks we should racially profile because we as a nation are, "ready for it."
Here he is, brand new truther, long time fox newser, all time loser,
Geraldo talking about about WTC building 7.

1 comment:

  1. I hear this shit from stoners all the time and I just don't get it: wouldn't crashing a bigass jumbo jet into a building blow it up good enough? Gotta admit that when that bloated dude set Geraldo up as one of America's most respected journalists I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes.
