Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lisa Simpon did 9/11!!!!!

Sooooooo, 9/11 was an inside job, and yes the planes were not real, they were animated, that's old news. However, what i didn't know until yesterday, was that more animation is involved. The cartoon character Lisa Simpson, might very well be directly responsible for the worst false flag terrorist attack this country has ever inflicted upon itself in order to sell weapons, and kill brown people, and steal resources. This video shows, how previous to 9/11 Lisa Simpson offered an ominous warning, that would later be looked at as a bad ass braggers right, the yellow cartoon girl, might as well have said, in the 1997 episode, "Hey look, I'm gonna demolish these buildings, on this date, and all the idiot scared people in your non animated world are gonna get all blood and oil and war thirsty! HAHAHA!!!" She is apparently even more evil than Mr. Burns. The video also shows how the X Files spin off,The Lone Gunmen also predicted the false flag CIA executed "terrorist" attack on it's own country. Seriously, the whole episode is about how a shadow aspect of the government runs remote controlled planes into the world trade center, in order to sell weapons, six months before 9/11 this episode aired. I mean come on!! HEre's proof that CIA has lots of agents in the media, and someone was trying either to worn us, or plant a sick joke in the national psyche. They also suggest that a more recent episode of the Simpsons is trying to warn us about the next false flag terrorist attack, (highly believed to be a nuclear one) which they believe was going to happen four days ago. I admire they're effort and their truth perceptions and i think they are on the right track, but maybe we should reanalyze. I'm racking my brain...I'm thinking 9/11:11-4:2012, but the truth has been a lie before!
Apparently this video is too truthful to embed, so go here if you have the guts!

1 comment:

  1. has become my only source for news. i don't even talk to people anymore. thank you.
