what happens when u die

Slick's take
When the heart stops and the brain goes and robot type material ain't powering nothing no more, we die. That is our bodies shrivel up and blah blah blah, but our spirits do not die. See our spirits are our consciousness made up of an invisible misunderstood collection of energy. This energy does not spread out amongst the ether after death, it sticks together because it knows no other way to be. So we float around in our most average state of consciousness, watching the everyday workings of society. We can possess people, and take over, or we can simply ride along, unbeknown to the carrier that you might be stowawaying along, feeling what they are feeling and seeing and hearing what they are thinking. And like this we drift and manipulate the living, or enjoying their joys and dodging their misery, unless of course that is your thing. Prophecy states that one day, great cataclysm will deliver the entirety of the human race into ghost form. At this point we will travel through space together, finding who knows what. Truth, perhaps?

Rem Lezar's take on Slick's take
The energy Slick speaks of is real, but the difference is that your spirit actually turns into a jellyfish. Much as when you're a baby and haven't yet begun to form memories, in this state you will be self-aware but in more of a general impression sort of way. More of a constant general experience rather than a series of beginnings and endings, as we typically view the world now. As a jellyfish your nerve net (jellyfish do not have brains or a central nervous system at all) will represent one electric pulse that is connected to billions of other jellyfish across the ocean. In effect, the ocean acts as one giant brain and the ocean water as cerebrospinal fluid and each of us as a jellyfish will represent a single brain cell. And this is why there are more jellyfish in the ocean then ever. When you die as a jellyfish I do not know what happens after that. But it is worth noting that there is a species of jellyfish called Turritopsis Dohrnii now that does not die of old age.

Rem Lezar's take
Right before you die your brain releases a chemical that makes you stop feeling just long enough to not realize that you will never feel again and that everything your brain is made up of will go to its usual state of not being self-aware. This means you will completely stop, there is no afterlife of any sort. You are just finished, and The Nothing takes hold of you. It's not like you have it "more rough than usual" or "even better than really good days back when we were in regular life!" when you die, you feel nothing, you are nothing because your mind is nothing, it won't exist anymore. An idea that you're strongly attached to can't save you anymore after you stop having ideas.
So although your mind as you know it stops, there is still energy and movement in everything that you were made up of. The world as we would like to recognize it or not is constantly changing and moving, however quickly or slowly (this of course varies case by case, say a mountain's changes compared to that of a bacterium, but the change is always there). So to say "our lives are done" is a very human way of looking at things, as in reality everything we are made up of has existed for a very long time--if not forever--and will continue to do so. With the infinite nature of everything, it's hard to say how many "lives" we have already lived and how many more we have to go. Unfortunately (or not, it's of course hard to say with our limited view of the universe and time) the memories we have of this time will not last. They are for this lifetime alone (and sadly, sometimes not even, like if you get a degenerative brain disease, for example).

Slick's take on Rem Lezar's take
I started writing this, tried to get a beer, died and came back to life. I was revived by my bodyguard and butler. I saw the afterlife. It exists. Repent! To me. God saw me in heaven, and said, "The rules been done changed. This dudes got the keys." I chop knuckled him and I'm happy to say that we all turn into Jelly fish. Of course Rem Lezar was correct, until I became god three or four minutes ago. But the good news is that Jelly Fish are immortal. Also they laugh at school debt, and experience ever building joy. So like it's like heaven in the ocean and you just orgasm all day, and it's better with each moment, until the world is smashed to bits by something large and blunt and all life is over in the universe...NOT! what bout aliens dude? The nothingness will swallow us, yes, for an eternity or a moment or something, and then the Aliens will find the moment of human life in the record books, or some drifting floppy disk of truth, and we're back like we never left, living our worst most embarrassing, life shattering sorrow till the escape of truth from Saturn's belly-cube, bobbing up and down, muttering 9/11:11-42012 like it's going to save you.
