what 2 do when the apocalypse occurs

I know what you've been thinking: "these guys have been blowing my mind with truth--something I'm indebted to them for for all of time/space--and I'm glad that I now know the reality of our most certain impending doooom. But for the most part I want to stay alive--what should I do to prepare for the apocalypse? What do I do when the apocalypse occurs?"

Whoa, take it easy(but not too easy! That's just what they want!). Of course we have answers:

One course of possible action would be to go to the Denver Airport. The truth reports that it has a secret tunnel underneath that leads to a giant doomsday bunker, built for the elite. However, among those who know the language of truth, the Denver New World Order Airport as an escape rout is totally common knowledge. So expect to have to battle your way through the entire city of Denver, a couple of million truthers, the US military and a bunch of rich people, all trying to get to the basement at once. Jesse Truth Ventura made this already famous bit of truth, even more famous by reporting about it on his show. Here's a clip.

Alright, so it's probably safe to say that the New World Order is going to have the Denver Airport pretty locked down. So unless you are super rich, or have your own tank, or you are a man beast like Jesse Truth Ventura, or you're a reptilian, the New World Order Airport probably won't help you too much.
Here is a more DIY guide to sheltering oneself during the end. It involves digging and hiding. That's it. Also, this video gives some important advice right off the bat. Get away from California and the coasts. I couldn't agree more. Go somewhere else to dig you're hole and hide in it. If you do it in California, a wave is going to fill up your little homemade panic room and drown the fuck out of your dumb ass. I would say go to middle America and bury yourself there to wait for the end.
Lastly, they suggest bringing a friend with you. I would agree, but have a minor note. You are going to have nothing to do in your hole for a very long time. Bring a friend with benefits. A fuck buddy. Why sit around and cry in your hole of truth, when you could literally fuck your days and nights away until the dust settles? And if you (like most end-times hole diggers) can't find someone to fuck, just kidnap whoever you've always wanted to do, and take them down to your safe hole. It would give you the chance to test that old adage, "Not if you were the last man on earth!" Anyway, its something to think about. Here's a video telling you to dig a hole.

Ok, so you dug your hole. You're all set right? Wrong. You gotta put shit in the hole! This guy has lots of lists of supplies. He's prepared for everything and anything that might happen. The only thing he doesn't have time for, is living life (you know like life right now, before the end of society). But lets take a look at his list, and then we will make one of our own. Beyond survival techniques, he gives us some helpful ethical guidance as well, "you have enough food and want to give some away, you should do that. Especially if you have baby food, because it would be great to save a baby." Lets watch his list then make one of our own.

Sunglasses: Because of the solar flares.

Sun tan lotion

Magnets: To test and see if the poles shifted.

Porno: Alot of guys can't jerk off without porn anymore and you want to be able to jerk off.

Cyanide: You never know when you might have to poison someone else's water supply.

Guns guns guns: I'm thinking dual oozies, an AK47, a samurai sword, a tank, an apache helicopter, a stock pile of nuclear weapons (after all, why hide from nuclear war when you could participate?), and last but not least, a fully loaded nuclear powered submarine with a crew of swimsuit babes to operate that bad boy and a stealth bomber.

Food: Burritos, pizza's, chocolate cake, deviled eggs, caviar, stir fry, Christmas Ham (the end is coming Dec. 21, 2012, just four days before Christmas) good but cheap wine (anyone can get good wine, the trick is getting it for a good price), zebra meat, one frozen great white shark, a live blue whale, a child's pet, an apple orchard, one bucket KFC, human meat, marshmallows, taco bell, snow cones, one black bean, half of an avocado.

Water: No need. Have you seen the size of the waves that are coming? Just drink those.

Medical Supplies: "two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls." this is a good list from a true survivalist, but a bit outdated and so not entirely pragmatic, as far as medical supplies go. I would add: MDMA (as much as possible) more coke (crack will do), heroin, 2CB, tron, more booze, a meth lab, some glue and a noose.

Other: Umbrella, cigarette boat, homo erotica, air force one, living life to the fullest up until the end, plasma TV, $250,000 cash, a petrified redwood, a ballet troupe, The Godfather parts 1 and 2, Desteni Cult reading material, the Aggro Crag, life size crucifix, underground amusement park, your favorite dive bar, smart phone, polar bear, Glenn Beck, 8 or 9 retarded parrots, a fantasy, a secret, and the truth.