Friday, November 26, 2010

Only weed can take down the CIA

This old dude, claims he's an ol' CIA man. I think he's truthful.
The CIA sells drugs and works for business interests, which fund the CIA, so they can do whatever they want like sell drugs by funding gorilla armies that sell drugs, and topple nationalist governments, because the business guys can get a better deal to just pay a dictator and sell his drugs, and give him weapons and fuck over the people. Taking is better than trading. Plus you get all that extra money, selling the drugs. The dudes are drug dealers ok?
It all get's complicated, but like, trust me and this guy, legalizing drugs is the answer. I can say that as one hundred percent truth (i've seen The Wire so i know) drug wars just fuck up everyone's country. And drugs are fun and awesome. People who abuse them tend to suck, but the drugs themselves are fucking sweeeeet. I mean if they arn't awesome why do they sell so well? Pot especially is sweet. Right now most people are willing to accept that, i think.
In fact, you should all make a habit of always listening and paying attention to everything that you're stoner friends say, because they smoke their truth, and that's an inefficient way of getting truth. Infact, if you know anyone who shoots up THC every day, you should probably at least subscribe to his/her blog. Here's a CIA guy saying the war on drugs is dumb and evil.

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