Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Missile Mystery

A local Cali news station noticed that this giant fucking missile launched off the coast, near Catalina island yesterday. Obviously the navy denies knowing anything about it. But it had to have been launched by some sort of submarine, or aircraft carrier. The why's, who's and what's are all speculation at this point. But the news asked a former deputy of defense what he thought of the video, he basically thought we were showboating our military shit, while Obama is in Asia. You know i don't like to guess on matters of truth, but I'm positive that we are preparing for more war. "How could we have more war?" you might be asking yourself. I think it's likely that The War on Terror will finally be upgraded to The War on War (which most likely will escalate into The World War III on World War III's or The War on Human Life or The Great War to End all of Man Kind) This video was sent to me early this morning from my man in the mountains, who shall go unnamed for his own protection.

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