Thursday, November 18, 2010

Art Students did 9/11

Ok, so basically, a lot of people think the Mossad (the Israeli CIA basically) helped execute 9/11 by planting the explosives in the buildings. This goes against a lot of things truth, in that "9/11 was an inside job" is like the truths favorite slogan. But i think it's good to consider that maybe it was inside and outside, like bellybuttons.
One interesting connection is this group of art students (though not Isralei) who at least one of which was confirmed to be a Mossad agent. Here's a bunch of pictures of them hanging around all this mysterious shit at the world trade center wearing work clothes, next to tons of mysterious card board boxes, I mean the fucking boxes like line the walls. People think these are the guys who wired the buildings, because the Mossad has lots of other eerie connections. Like a group of mossad agents who were caught by van, filled with explosives, that had a mural of planes falling into new york on it. Unfortunately just mentioning this makes me sound anti Semitic, but i assure you, I'm not. Jews are my roomates, my neighbors, my good friends. But the Mossad might of done 9/11, with the help of the CIA, and Cheney, and the reptilians, and now...fake art students. Again, I love all jews. And i love art students. And frankly, i got no hate for you even if you're in the CIA or the Mossad. Here's the video about the guys who wired the building for the all famous...CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!!

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