Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Truth about Thanksgiving!

I have often looked to thanksgiving as a welcome break from the world of truth. A time when one could sit, with people he loved because they were family, and talk about non meaningful, not truth oriented subjects, like the weather, how delicious food is, sweaters, the weather, football, golf, Christmas wish lists, and the weather.
But NOOOOOO. Thanksgiving aint what y'all think. It ain't about turkey. This video slowly reveals the truth about thanksgiving which turns out to be a major bummer, but hey, sometimes the truth ain't sunshine and smiles. It turns out that maybe Christians murdered some Indians (Indian is the Christian word for native American).
If the message wasn't enough of a bummer on it's own, these truth tellers put some elevator style sad piano in their video. I give em mad credit though because at like 30 seconds in they do that cool record scratching to a halt thing, that lets you know shit's about to get real and true.

1 comment:

  1. All the pilgrims did was ruin the american indian orgy of freedom.
