Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don't you mean "Halo"een? Here's why you do:

Further information on the true dangers of "Halloween", as we've naively been calling it. The man who presents this video has a lot of other amazing truth to share as well. I think that you will agree that this quote by him on his website gives a pretty strong background check on where he's coming from:
This incredible journey began with a dream.
I dreamt that I was told I would be running a website telling people what the Government were doing. 2 months later everything started to happen and my eyes were opened
to the Masonic visual trickery which is 
all around us

In this video, my main man points out the fact that anyone with common sense knows that Halloween is evil.
So what do we do to stop it?
He says not to promote it, but "to un-promote it", which I will figure out how to do as quickly as possible--in fact if anyone has any feedback on how one can help un-promote Halo-een, please let me know. I am just 2 men, and apparently I have not even been using common sense lately when I thought that I had been. Actually, until seeing Slick's post and then hearing this news, I had been under the impression that Halloween was about having fun and getting an excuse to eat too many sweets once a year, just some old fun fall family tradition. And to think all of that seemingly good-natured fun was really worshiping Halios (Hades; The Devil) this whole time, all of those shared laughs and excitement with loved ones was secret Devil worship, that one time when you and your older brother really bonded for once on a fun evening out together was just fueling evil, we're all suckers.
But hey, at least we're all re-learning now.

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