Sunday, October 24, 2010

Voting blows

This one's for all the voters. So, truth people, you know how it's almost election time, and you're out drinking with some fun loving folks and suddenly everyone is like, you should vote for this person, not that person, def not that guy, voting is important and responsible and you gotta be researched and every vote matters and not voting is just a vote for the other side, and you lazy piece of shit, you crazy mother fucker, if you don't vote you are a bad person, hurting the world with your apathy, ignorant fuck, irresponsible naive, stupid asshole know-nothing.
Fuck that noise.
News flash. Voting doesn't matter. It doesn't matter anymore than the millions of protesters that tried to stop the Iraq war mattered. Why doesn't it matter? Because you have to be rich to be elected? Because it's a two party system and both sides are the same? Because the corporations have most of the power now anyway (even the army is privatized, along with the best schools, and health care)? Well, yeah. I mean all of those are good points. But even more so, voting doesn't matter because it's all fucking rigged.
For real.
Here is computer programmer, Clinton Eugene Curtis, testifying, under oath, before U.S. House Judiciary Members in Ohio, that congressman Tom Feeney, tried to commission him to write a program that would cause the presidential election results to flip in 2001. Which he said would be easy and is basically what he thinks happened. Also, the next video goes more into how it was done. And then the last video is part one of an HBO documentary about how easy it is to fake the results with electronic voting equipment and how the company who makes all that shit, Diebold, is dirty and republican and there's evidence they sell elections.
Have fun November 2nd Americans!

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