Tuesday, October 19, 2010

9/11 wittnesses gettin dropped like flies

Congress hopeful, Travis Irvine, libertarian candidate in Ohio, sent this video my way. Though i was already more than familiar with the particular video, as not much get's by your humble narrator, as far as truth is concerned, and i do not claim to support the libertarian party, or any party for that matter, as i know by now that power is the true nemesis of any man or force, governmental or corporate, still, it's good to have men on the inside. And Travis originally helped to start me on my road away from the bottle, the pipe, the needle, the gas soaked rag, the bag of glue and towards truth. Also, I'm glad he reminded me of this one. Just another piece of the pie. The 9/11 Was An Inside Job Cream Pie. By now i have left Travis behind in the world of professional politics and plane huggers. Travis is the naive type that means well, but wants people to vote as if the elections arn't all rigged in the typical lizardian ways. This video shows just how many people who reported explosives in the buildings, or didn't see planes, or helped fake the media aspects...well tons of them have been offed. It's pretty crazy. The NSA and CIA are really good at suiciding people, or faking heart attacks, but one of the witnesses even reported on the radio, one week before testifying against high up government officials, that she was not going to kill her self, that she was looking forward to testifying. I mean dude, she promised she wouldn't kill herself, that's how much people expected her to get offed. Then bam, she is found hung in her mother's basement. Right before testifying. And that's just one of the many mysterious deaths. Check it out this truth. Thanks Travis. Good luck with becoming part of the problem. Don't cut me out when you become a reptilian.

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