Thursday, October 7, 2010

New World Order on the Run? Benjamin Fulford

Now i must introduce to you, Benjamin Fulford. This guy has warmed my blood for the last couple years, ever since the first time I saw him on Youtube. Most of the people that fight for truth on youtube, just bullhorn-yell about it, Jones style, or write about it, Icke style, or blog about it, Slick style. Fulford reported on the truth just like the rest of us schmucks, but then, according to Benjamin, an Illuminati assassin offered Fulford the choice of either joining the New World Order, or getting killed, sleeping with the fishes, pushing up daises, getting shot. you know. So what does Fulford do, does he back down? Run away? No, he lines himself up with a secret alliance of Asian assassin ninjas (who also don't like the New World Order) and Fulford says, "fuck you, i won't join you, New World Order, the ninjas will protect me!" Then he continues spitting the truth, and reporting and even interviewed Rockefeller in Tokyo (Rockefeller is mostly considered to be one of the kings of the New World Order)

Every once and a while i like to check up on Benjamin Fulford and see how the ninja life style is going in Japan (that's where he lives). So color me surprised when today i was checking on him, in youtube (Fulford also lives in youtube) and i found a video of him sitting next to some suit wearing Illuminati guy and the two of them tell me that The World Order is on it's death bed!? Am i out of a job? Apparently the ninjas have defeated the folks who brought us 9/11, the people who had plans to kill 4 billion innocent people. Now these assholes are "on the verge of complete loss of power."
Fulford is the man, and again, he has ninjas on his side, but i don't know. This all seems a little convenient. I don't like to speculate on the truth, but if i were to cast a guess of honesty, i would say that The New World Order has captured Fulford and brainwashed him or are at least holding some of his ninja friends hostage and forcing him to lie and make his followers think that there's nothing to worry about, the bad guys are dead and dying. so as to throw people off of their trail. People like me. The truth afterall is the enemy of the enemy. But hell, you decide.


  1. If all this is happening, then why are guillitines being brought into or delivered all over TO fEMA CAMPS? I believe yes some want to do good, but it's as though things around us there are waiting camps, a martial law drill now in Denver? Big ppl going underground there Volunteer fire ppl all being pulled off, from Texas, Fema all over very busy, come on we are running out of time DO SOMETHING NOW!!!

  2. Sorry for typigtaphical errors, didn't think it my message would post. I am not anti-nothing just don'w want all of us in danger, and despite what you have promised, it's business as usual. I see things being put into place, the murial, underground pipelines being put in, I hope your not there to keep us occcupied with false hope. WE NEED HELP LIKE YESTERDAY. WE WILL ALL BE DEAD BY THE TIME SOMEONE COMES TO OUR RESCUE, EVERYDAY IS TOO LATE, THANK U for being there, but plz be for real, I'm so tired of talk.

  3. Angain I usually type and proof read, but I am so nervous about this I can't type for tears, I apologize, take care

  4. To Anonymous. You are right, the headless horseman are always pushing to make us working class shorter by a couple billion heads. But the spread of info (from good caring folks like you) keeps making us stronger! And thank you so much for commenting! No need to apologize about typos, I too get over taken by emotion and I'm afraid my grammar suffers as well. Benjamin is an interesting character indeed, but we need not take everything he says as the word of God. Hang in there friend. We can win. We will. Hell you've already won in my book. Keep strong. Keep calm. And above all hang in there.

  5. ALsoooo...I'm going to check out this guillotine thing. I've written about the Fema camps, but I hadn't heard about their intention to use such old fashioned death machines. I will post something soon about it. Thanks again.
