Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Drones, Lasers, 9/11

Aight, you know I'm a card carrying no planer, i don't think that planes were hijacked and crashed into the buildings on 9/11. Yup, I'm nuts. True. Truth. So, ok, fine, maybe I'm wrong. Stranger things have happened. Here's a slightly different theory I've been researching. Perhaps there were actually planes, but they were remote controlled and laser guided, similar to the way the remote controlled flying drones operate in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan. First lets just look at how easy it would be, if you have the right tech, for one or two people to fake the work of 19 terrorists, thus fooling the whole country with remote control technology. Here's two people, operating in some bunker, using computers, remote control planes, and multimillion dollar laser guided missiles to kill...a pickup truck.

When you say Cheney did 9/11 the haters always say, "that's crazy, do you know how many people would have to be involved to pull this off and keep these secrets?" Apparently,it would only take Cheney and two dudes who can play video games. But ok, now your saying, "It seems possible, but is there any evidence that this is what happened?"
Why thank you for asking. Yes there is. This video points out the laser, reflecting off the building, that guided the drone/missile into the building. If that's not enough to make you consider that drones might be involved, the video goes on to point out a FUCKING DRONE that flies right by the building moments after the second impact.

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