Friday, October 8, 2010

They are gonna make oil out of people!!!!!!

Consider this the emergency broadcasting center, and i your Paul Revere riding down the street on my trustworthy pony, screaming at the top of my colonial lungs, "PEAK OIL IS COMING!!!!" That's right folks, the worlds gonna run out of oil and we all are going to kill each other forever lost in the void that is, no iphone, no car. LA will most certainly crumble (film producers are actually made out of oil). SOOOOOoooo, the gov knows all bout it. of course. That's why they did 9/11, so as to get the country on board to take every last drop of oil under the guise of a war on terror. Now, it turns out that 9/11 and the three subsequent wars in progress might not be enough.
I have seen videos for years about how FEMA death camps are being built all across the country in preparation for when martial law is declared (most likely when another false flag "terrorist" attack is carried out on the country by the CIA). All the dissidents will be rounded up, taken to the FEMA death camps, and well...put to death.

But today, i got deeper into the bowels of truth. Turns out the whole FEMA death camp thing isn't exactly right. Yes they want us dead. Yes they will round us up, kill us and put us in those plastic coffins, but it don't stop there! Shit get's real!! They want to turn our mother fucking dead, murdered bodies into OIL!!!!!! Check this shit out!!!

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