Tuesday, October 5, 2010

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP

I've gotten ahead of myself in truth telling. HAARP is an earth quake machine, sort of. It is funded by the military. Based on like Tesla tech it like sends a bunch of energy up into the sky which will either, mess with the weather, or raise up part of atmosphere and maybe reflect back down into the earth. People send 30 watts into the ground to check for oil. HAARP could send one billion watts. Which would cause an earth quake, or a super thunderbolt or the northern lights to become visible, all kinds of stuff. PEople say that HAARP was used accidentally or purposefully causing most of the recent natural disasters(maybe not so natural), you know earthquakes and tsunamis and all that horrible shit. One thing that HAARP does when used, is make the northern lights visible in the sky. People have claimed to see the northern lights in the sky minutes before the earth quake in Hatti and other places, including china. Here's the news reporting on the northern lights, but being ignorant about HAARP

Here Jesse The Body Ventura (one of my favorite truthers. the guy is tough, a navy a seal, was once governor and still he hasn't gotten deep enough. If i were the new world order i would try recruit this dude immediately before he destroys them all) tackles this HAARP shit on his awesome and truthful show about honesty. This show is pretty rediculous, but you know, the truth gotta come out. This be part one of the HAARP episode.

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