Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reptilian Shapeshifter is beautiful?

Listen. I will be honest, today the truth was vague. I was lost in a haze of non-truth. The ambiguous, confusing ether had succeeded and agnosticized me. Perhaps the beauty of thanksgiving and the miracles of Hannukkah, plus the pending Christmas cheer was making me soft.
So, in the spirit of 9/11:11-4:2012 I abandoned my useless feelings of non-paranoia, and set out for a good old fashioned truth hunt. What i found was truth. This video is beautiful. Truthful. And easily the most important (and my personal favorite) piece of video art, ever made.
This video is about how when Reptilians are on camera, occasionally their true form flashes for a moment, usually in the eyes. They are either unaware of this phenomenon, or they simply enjoy dropping us hints. Like an exhibitionist flashing his balls all over town, the reptilian overlords gives us a shade tipping wink here and there, when they feel giddy.
Now, there are thousands and thousands of videos out there, pointing out different examples of this phenomenon.
But this one. This is it.
While watching this three minute piece, please pretend you are in your cities MOMA, watching this in a big carpeted viewing room. You're sitting on a very modern looking white bench, all by yourself. The room is huge, as is the screen. The lights go out...this video begins.

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