Monday, December 20, 2010

Illuminati Wet Dream!!!

So i was tipped off about this by my blogging co-worker-buddies in Austin, the home of Alex Jones. I forget what exactly this truther is talking about, something having to do with the winter solstice, but damn if this dude isn't confident. As my unnamed cohort said, "He wears sunglasses indoors." Nough said.
This dude is like a radio DJ without the radio.
He's got an American Flag on his wall and an empty undecorated Christmas tree.
He ain't got much else.
He lights his cigarette and it's go time, "Let's get right into it," he says.
His hair is combed, maybe.
His glasses suggest that he has an eye condition or an interesting sense of like nerd-retro style.
He doesn't seem to buy into anything he's saying.
He isn't talking to anyone.
I have a man crush on this man.
And you thought conspiracy theorists couldn't be gay.
Your minds have been blown yet again.
Listen to this man warn us about North Korea, astrology, handsomeness and the dangers of bright indoor lights.

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