Monday, December 6, 2010

Neil Degrasse Tyson Knows Truth

This dude only uses science when predicting shit, which usually makes him a pretty tame truth guy. I mean yeah, he makes a lot of sense, but he's always telling me that planet x is bullshit and that 2012 is bullshit, and that aliens are pretty much bullshit and all kinds of shit like that. Apparently he's one of those guys with an unreasonably high IQ and tons of physics-type degrees so he thinks he can just go and rain on my end-times parade. Still, though, he's pretty fun to listen to. In this video he tells us that there's no need to rely on Mayan calenders or all the other stuff that warns of 2012 extinction. Neil says there's a less mainstream but scientifically verifiable date, which might just fuck us the fuck up. This shit's about how if we survive 2012, in 2036 a meteor will at least kill those of us in Cali (not saying i live in Cali, i live in a super secret bunker, again, i repeat, CIA, NSA, reptiles, i am not in California).

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