Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Thoughts on the Anti-Reptilian Desteni Cult

I've written about these folks before. This chick, she follows this Bernard Poolman fellow, who as far as i can tell is the leader of the Desteni Cult. They all live on a farm, and shave their heads, and believe in something, or everything or anything. Now i don't hate on no cults. And as far as i can tell this one isn't just another CIA mind control thingamajig. This loyal child like girl (yes she's a girl) has tons of videos where she breathes in real deep, then bam, she channels either her spirit guide, "Jack" or a dead guy (Martin Luther King Jr. or Edgar Casey, Bruce Lee, or Tesla, tons of people, thousands of videos, i think she did Heath Ledger but i might be making that up). And i don't mean to make light of this, i don't want anyone to think i am making fun of this teenager with a shaved head who channels dead people and occasionally channels Reptilian overlord God's or Annunaki spirits or seriously all kinds of stuff.
I think she is legit. So again, it's not her, i completely believe she can channel dead people. I do not think she is a confused, tragically misled, poor, brainwashed little girl.
I believe in her ability.
But jesus fucking christ, the shit these spirits say is boring as fuck!!!! Again its not her fault, it's the ghosts, but I can't tell you how many goddamned dramatic pauses there are, how often these dead people (who in life were some of the greatest orators this world has known) struggle for the right word, or contradict themselves, i mean all of them talk like fucking retards. I think something terrible must have happened to the ghost of Martin Luther King Jr, cause he doesn't sound anything like his old speeches anymore. Or maybe all ghosts are just retards or something, because they all just babble on and on about the same vague, pseudo philosophical, pseudo metaphysical bullshit. I mean for the life of me, no matter how many boring as fuck spirits i listen to, i can't figure out what the fuck the spirit world is trying to say!!! It's driving me nuts. I'm gonna have to write about Desteni for a bit. So loyal readers beware. Shit's about to get Desteni up in here for the next few days. I just hope that i don't end up having to dish out the 1200 euros to join the damn cult. I don't think i'd look good with a shaved head. Anywho, here is this chick channeling Hitler, and i don't need to remind you that this guy talked a country of people into genocide. In this video, i seriously don't have a clue what he's talking about. And i feel like I'm someone who has an extraordinary grasp on the truth.

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