Sunday, December 26, 2010

Some People don't dig on Zeitgeist

Even though the Utopia is in sight and Zeitgeist has brought it all into perspective, some truther folks hate the shit out of that film, and the Venus Project. If you have ever tried to engage someone in a conversation that contained the sentence, "9/11 was an inside job" you probably have been met with same hate. Zeitgeist is often even tougher to talk about because the only thing harder than telling people their government is evil, is tossing in, "oh Jesus is totally fake too!" Also, once you start getting into the tenants of the Venus Project people don't know what to say, and start yelling about Communism and Terminator 2 and how computers are soulless assholes.
Take this guy for example. He dresses hilariously, which makes me want to listen. I mean he coordinates his headgear with the flag on his wall, and includes another hat in the foreground to show that even though he can't wear two hats at once, he still hates the NWO.
This guy get's so pissed about Zeitgeist, that he can barely string a sentence together to form some sort of coherent criticism of the movie. It's not totally surprising that this dude gets mad at Zeitgeist, after all, the movie really does kind of shit on religion. But boy was i caught off guard when he started hating on Immanuel Kant's subjective universality principles. And i could tell he was a libertarian douche bag right off the bat, I mean one look at the guy and it's confirmed that he is way into Ron Paul and thinks it's his Christian right to hate gays, but i didn't peg him for the Ayn Rand Capitalist that he claims to be (he seems a little poor to be that into capitalism, but whatever).
I know it's a little silly to write about one funny looking redneck's vlog about an internet movie. But i feel like this guy encapsulates why a lot of conspiracy truthers hate Zeitgeist, including Alex Jones.
Start watching this video to laugh at how he's dressed. Then appreciate the irony of laughing at a man's aesthetic appearance while said man claims the world is aesthetically objective.

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