Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Venus Project

On the second day of Zeitgeist my truth love gave to me...
Ladies and gentleman, it's time to get high and set your truth free. The truth will set you free. Set free your truth. Free truth is you. You are free. You are truth.
In this time of miracles and holidays and love and truth and the worshiping of hope, you should imagine what the world could be. Like that singer guy who got murdered by the CIA.
When i learned about the Venus Project, i got real drunk with my friends and argued with them for nearly two hours that the world could be better.
It's really fun, cause when you propose a resource based world economy, everyone immediately calls, "BULLSHIT HIPPIE!!" and then if they are actually willing to discuss the idea in casual detail (the way one might discuss the latest Wes Anderson film or whatever) everyone asks the same questions. Seriously, when you say, "no seriously, there is no reason for you to work that job you hate" or "Mostly human nature isn't bad, it's just that the world wide social system is outdated and has turned us into stressed out money hungry greedy folk. This happened because our world wide social monetary system is based on the ideas of resource and energy scarcity, which actually, according to a little thing called science, is no longer the case. Actually, if wind, geothermal, ocean wave power and solar energy were used, we could power the entire world a thousand times over, sustainably."
Which means we won't have to fight or labor to live and survive anymore, thus making political systems, economies, wars, money, completely irrelevant and unnecessary and basically freeing man kind to do whatever. Grow, enlighten. I mean think about how much shit you could accomplish without having to work a day job?
Anyway, the problem is, of course, how do we free the world from the current outdated system?
But forget that, it's the holidays. Sit back and enjoy the fact that some people are seriously trying to figure out how to make this fucked up place perfect truth.

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