Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's beginning to look alot like Astrotheology

Welp it's 11:11 right now. It's also the winter solstice. This is when the star comes to announce Jesus on the way, blah blah blah. Look, if you believe in Jesus, it's not that you are dumb, you are just kind of stupid. And I'm not gonna tell you what to believe in, because I'm no expert and it's not my place. But what you should believe in is Astrotheology you idiot.
Listen, I've written about Zeitgeist . And if you haven't watched it yet (its like 8 years old or something) you clearly have no interest in approaching truth. Either way, being that this particular piece of the movie has some significant seasonal significance i will post some of it.
Basically, all religions come from the stars. And the story of Jesus is nothing new. Tons of sun Gods before him have done the thing where you get born on the 25th from a virgin, you have 12 disciples, you get crucified, and resurrected. You've heard it a million times before.
Christmas is bullshit.
Christmas is fun as shit.
Astrotheology is the shit

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