Friday, December 31, 2010

The End is May 21, 2011

The world is going to end May 21 2011. Either Jesus is coming back and the rapture is going to leave us behind or who knows. The point is you can buy T-Shirts and The bible is pretty clear about the world ending. The dude who started it seems to be this guy Harold Camping, who first said the world would end in 1994 then changed it to 2011. He claims to be able to back this shit up with Bible verse. However, other rednecks who also believe the bible is the word of God, claim that Harold is wrong and they point to more scripture, to show that the world is not going to end on May 21, 2011. So who do you believe the bible or the bible? Redneck or redneck?
Unfortunately i can't help you out on this one. I can't lead you to the truth. The bible is just too boring. I tried to read even just a few of the sections they were talking about, but even just listening to them talk about the verses in question, put me to sleep. The possibility of world annihilation didn't even help. I just kept falling asleep. God is the most boring writer ever. He's like ancient John Grisham, minus the altruistic lawyers. I mean it's hard to imagine that the guy could create the world and the written word, without being able to pen even one coherent, straightforward sentence. But again, i can't read it on account of how boring it is, so who knows, maybe it does warn us. To me the end of the world is me being forced to read a healthy bit of that antiquated piece of shit. So i leave you to decide. Here is one redneck who thinks we are entering the the last year of the world. Here is another who thinks we arn't. They are both equally funny looking. So you decide. However i warn you. The apocalypse has never been so boring.

Ok actually this next guy isn't a redneck. He sounds quite urban. He just has the views of a redneck. And he's really funny looking. His glasses are awesome.

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