Thursday, December 30, 2010

To the Moon!

I was watching Capricorn One, which is a movie, staring O.J. about the government faking a mars landing. Which reminded me that I was far behind on my Moon Landing Truth. So i dug into that lunar dust and the light of Apollo shined down upon me. Listen, it was probably faked.
Unfortunately i know nothing about science and so it's hard for me to back up my theories.
But i shall try.
Look. Nasa had 40 billion dollars. Tell me it is possible to have 40 billion dollars and not corruption. Tell me that sucker.
Next, everyone is always fucking saying (and they do this for every good conspiracy, its like argument number one as far as denying truth) "the government could not have covered it up! Too many people were involved!"
Are you kidding me?
We are talking about believing that the government sent people into space and landed them down on the fucking moon! I mean say what you will about the evidence, but i personally think it would cost a lot less, be way easier, and way less dangerous, way less chance of national embarrassment to just fucking make a convincing 20 minutes movie. Of course i don't know how rockets work. But seriously if it was easier to just toss them up there and have them drive around in their buggies and float-jump everywhere, why don't we do it anymore? I mean with computers growing in capability at an exponential rate, iphones and shit, you'd think it be a million times easier to get astronauts up on the moon by now.
The argument is that we don't have the money. How could we not have the money? How could nobody have the money to do something that people did 40 years ago? I mean it's a money maker as far as I'm concerned!
I enjoy watching 5 self proclaimed guidos yell at each other on television. I would totally watch 5 motherfuckers walking around the moon with sweet digital cameras and shit. Why not send Tyler Perry up there as the first black man in space? It would be the biggest show on television! That's a hit television series, that's the advertisement opportunity of a life time, that's a sweet military base, that's a vacation center gold mine. It's easy to think of ways to make billions of dollars off of the ability to send people to the moon. I mean if they did it 40 fucking years ago, you would think at least one other country would have done it by now, or just one corporation. Or one multi billionaire. I mean the atomic weapon went around the world pretty fucking quick. It's naive to think that we are just the smartest country in the world, or i guess we were 40 fucking years ago. For real though. Seriously. The only logical explanation is that we can't do it yet.

One thing we are good at is making movies and fooling people.
I mean people committed suicide when they thought war of worlds was real. And that was a broadcast based on a popular book! People will believe anything!
The moon is fake.
Truth central.
oh and here's a fox special i really liked when i was a kid. at least i think it's the one i saw as a kid.

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