Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Desteni Hairdo or The Destenido

The mail has been pouring in, and you people seem to want to know the truth about these Desteni folks. One fellow said to me, "Why do they shave their heads?" To let the good vibes in? The Desteni farm is hot and sweaty? All the better to equally share the universe?
Nope. Well sort of.
This guy tries to explain. He's a real piece of work.
You won't be able to listen to the whole thing, but basically he shaved his head because like he would be a coward not to do what they told him to do...wait. Let me try again.
They shave their heads because we all think too much about our hair. So it's best to shave it off and talk endlessly about how much he doesn't think or talk about his hair or i mean his lack of hair? Wait.
Ok so they shave their head because, like, shaving your head is not a hairstyle. It's the anti hairstyle. Well no. I mean it's about not making a statement with one's hair, because that would be shallow. So they shave their heads to make a statement about not making a statement via hairstyle. So they cut off all their hair to show that you don't need to style or cut your hair.
That's the truth.
Nothing makes less of a statement than shaving off all of your hair. When i shave my head, the first thing people say to me is, "Oh, you shaved your head, you must be not making a statement about something, and you are clearly not consciously manipulating your appearance."
I'm sorry, perhaps I'm doing a poor job of explaining this truthful practice. Shaving one's head is a tried and true way to prove truth, look smooth, support racism, or become a better fighter and a more subservient or i mean dedicated cult member.
Also, one of the Desteni books dares you to do it. So come on, give me twelve hundred dollars and shave your head, whats the matter? You a pussy?

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