Friday, December 31, 2010

The End is May 21, 2011

The world is going to end May 21 2011. Either Jesus is coming back and the rapture is going to leave us behind or who knows. The point is you can buy T-Shirts and The bible is pretty clear about the world ending. The dude who started it seems to be this guy Harold Camping, who first said the world would end in 1994 then changed it to 2011. He claims to be able to back this shit up with Bible verse. However, other rednecks who also believe the bible is the word of God, claim that Harold is wrong and they point to more scripture, to show that the world is not going to end on May 21, 2011. So who do you believe the bible or the bible? Redneck or redneck?
Unfortunately i can't help you out on this one. I can't lead you to the truth. The bible is just too boring. I tried to read even just a few of the sections they were talking about, but even just listening to them talk about the verses in question, put me to sleep. The possibility of world annihilation didn't even help. I just kept falling asleep. God is the most boring writer ever. He's like ancient John Grisham, minus the altruistic lawyers. I mean it's hard to imagine that the guy could create the world and the written word, without being able to pen even one coherent, straightforward sentence. But again, i can't read it on account of how boring it is, so who knows, maybe it does warn us. To me the end of the world is me being forced to read a healthy bit of that antiquated piece of shit. So i leave you to decide. Here is one redneck who thinks we are entering the the last year of the world. Here is another who thinks we arn't. They are both equally funny looking. So you decide. However i warn you. The apocalypse has never been so boring.

Ok actually this next guy isn't a redneck. He sounds quite urban. He just has the views of a redneck. And he's really funny looking. His glasses are awesome.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

To the Moon!

I was watching Capricorn One, which is a movie, staring O.J. about the government faking a mars landing. Which reminded me that I was far behind on my Moon Landing Truth. So i dug into that lunar dust and the light of Apollo shined down upon me. Listen, it was probably faked.
Unfortunately i know nothing about science and so it's hard for me to back up my theories.
But i shall try.
Look. Nasa had 40 billion dollars. Tell me it is possible to have 40 billion dollars and not corruption. Tell me that sucker.
Next, everyone is always fucking saying (and they do this for every good conspiracy, its like argument number one as far as denying truth) "the government could not have covered it up! Too many people were involved!"
Are you kidding me?
We are talking about believing that the government sent people into space and landed them down on the fucking moon! I mean say what you will about the evidence, but i personally think it would cost a lot less, be way easier, and way less dangerous, way less chance of national embarrassment to just fucking make a convincing 20 minutes movie. Of course i don't know how rockets work. But seriously if it was easier to just toss them up there and have them drive around in their buggies and float-jump everywhere, why don't we do it anymore? I mean with computers growing in capability at an exponential rate, iphones and shit, you'd think it be a million times easier to get astronauts up on the moon by now.
The argument is that we don't have the money. How could we not have the money? How could nobody have the money to do something that people did 40 years ago? I mean it's a money maker as far as I'm concerned!
I enjoy watching 5 self proclaimed guidos yell at each other on television. I would totally watch 5 motherfuckers walking around the moon with sweet digital cameras and shit. Why not send Tyler Perry up there as the first black man in space? It would be the biggest show on television! That's a hit television series, that's the advertisement opportunity of a life time, that's a sweet military base, that's a vacation center gold mine. It's easy to think of ways to make billions of dollars off of the ability to send people to the moon. I mean if they did it 40 fucking years ago, you would think at least one other country would have done it by now, or just one corporation. Or one multi billionaire. I mean the atomic weapon went around the world pretty fucking quick. It's naive to think that we are just the smartest country in the world, or i guess we were 40 fucking years ago. For real though. Seriously. The only logical explanation is that we can't do it yet.

One thing we are good at is making movies and fooling people.
I mean people committed suicide when they thought war of worlds was real. And that was a broadcast based on a popular book! People will believe anything!
The moon is fake.
Truth central.
oh and here's a fox special i really liked when i was a kid. at least i think it's the one i saw as a kid.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Some People don't dig on Zeitgeist

Even though the Utopia is in sight and Zeitgeist has brought it all into perspective, some truther folks hate the shit out of that film, and the Venus Project. If you have ever tried to engage someone in a conversation that contained the sentence, "9/11 was an inside job" you probably have been met with same hate. Zeitgeist is often even tougher to talk about because the only thing harder than telling people their government is evil, is tossing in, "oh Jesus is totally fake too!" Also, once you start getting into the tenants of the Venus Project people don't know what to say, and start yelling about Communism and Terminator 2 and how computers are soulless assholes.
Take this guy for example. He dresses hilariously, which makes me want to listen. I mean he coordinates his headgear with the flag on his wall, and includes another hat in the foreground to show that even though he can't wear two hats at once, he still hates the NWO.
This guy get's so pissed about Zeitgeist, that he can barely string a sentence together to form some sort of coherent criticism of the movie. It's not totally surprising that this dude gets mad at Zeitgeist, after all, the movie really does kind of shit on religion. But boy was i caught off guard when he started hating on Immanuel Kant's subjective universality principles. And i could tell he was a libertarian douche bag right off the bat, I mean one look at the guy and it's confirmed that he is way into Ron Paul and thinks it's his Christian right to hate gays, but i didn't peg him for the Ayn Rand Capitalist that he claims to be (he seems a little poor to be that into capitalism, but whatever).
I know it's a little silly to write about one funny looking redneck's vlog about an internet movie. But i feel like this guy encapsulates why a lot of conspiracy truthers hate Zeitgeist, including Alex Jones.
Start watching this video to laugh at how he's dressed. Then appreciate the irony of laughing at a man's aesthetic appearance while said man claims the world is aesthetically objective.

Friday, December 24, 2010

On the last day of Zeitgeist...

Ok, so i need to celebrate the fuck out of Christmas, so here is one last post, one last Zeitgeist post, till after the holidays, unless of course i get bored.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to announce a Christmas gift to us all. A new Zeigeist film is on the way. Yes, in 2011, the dude who introduced me to 9/11 truth, astrotheology, and the evils of the federal reserve, the guy who told me about this beautiful thing called The Venus Project, the guy who is trying to save the fucking world, brings us, Zeitgeist...Transition. Most likely, this one be truthful and dramatic.
Here is a trailer.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Venus Project

On the second day of Zeitgeist my truth love gave to me...
Ladies and gentleman, it's time to get high and set your truth free. The truth will set you free. Set free your truth. Free truth is you. You are free. You are truth.
In this time of miracles and holidays and love and truth and the worshiping of hope, you should imagine what the world could be. Like that singer guy who got murdered by the CIA.
When i learned about the Venus Project, i got real drunk with my friends and argued with them for nearly two hours that the world could be better.
It's really fun, cause when you propose a resource based world economy, everyone immediately calls, "BULLSHIT HIPPIE!!" and then if they are actually willing to discuss the idea in casual detail (the way one might discuss the latest Wes Anderson film or whatever) everyone asks the same questions. Seriously, when you say, "no seriously, there is no reason for you to work that job you hate" or "Mostly human nature isn't bad, it's just that the world wide social system is outdated and has turned us into stressed out money hungry greedy folk. This happened because our world wide social monetary system is based on the ideas of resource and energy scarcity, which actually, according to a little thing called science, is no longer the case. Actually, if wind, geothermal, ocean wave power and solar energy were used, we could power the entire world a thousand times over, sustainably."
Which means we won't have to fight or labor to live and survive anymore, thus making political systems, economies, wars, money, completely irrelevant and unnecessary and basically freeing man kind to do whatever. Grow, enlighten. I mean think about how much shit you could accomplish without having to work a day job?
Anyway, the problem is, of course, how do we free the world from the current outdated system?
But forget that, it's the holidays. Sit back and enjoy the fact that some people are seriously trying to figure out how to make this fucked up place perfect truth.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's beginning to look alot like Astrotheology

Welp it's 11:11 right now. It's also the winter solstice. This is when the star comes to announce Jesus on the way, blah blah blah. Look, if you believe in Jesus, it's not that you are dumb, you are just kind of stupid. And I'm not gonna tell you what to believe in, because I'm no expert and it's not my place. But what you should believe in is Astrotheology you idiot.
Listen, I've written about Zeitgeist . And if you haven't watched it yet (its like 8 years old or something) you clearly have no interest in approaching truth. Either way, being that this particular piece of the movie has some significant seasonal significance i will post some of it.
Basically, all religions come from the stars. And the story of Jesus is nothing new. Tons of sun Gods before him have done the thing where you get born on the 25th from a virgin, you have 12 disciples, you get crucified, and resurrected. You've heard it a million times before.
Christmas is bullshit.
Christmas is fun as shit.
Astrotheology is the shit

Monday, December 20, 2010

Illuminati Wet Dream!!!

So i was tipped off about this by my blogging co-worker-buddies in Austin, the home of Alex Jones. I forget what exactly this truther is talking about, something having to do with the winter solstice, but damn if this dude isn't confident. As my unnamed cohort said, "He wears sunglasses indoors." Nough said.
This dude is like a radio DJ without the radio.
He's got an American Flag on his wall and an empty undecorated Christmas tree.
He ain't got much else.
He lights his cigarette and it's go time, "Let's get right into it," he says.
His hair is combed, maybe.
His glasses suggest that he has an eye condition or an interesting sense of like nerd-retro style.
He doesn't seem to buy into anything he's saying.
He isn't talking to anyone.
I have a man crush on this man.
And you thought conspiracy theorists couldn't be gay.
Your minds have been blown yet again.
Listen to this man warn us about North Korea, astrology, handsomeness and the dangers of bright indoor lights.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dan Aykroyd, 9/11, Aliens, Truth

Dude, you ever just want to get all high and sit around and watch Dan Aykroyd rant about 9/11 and aliens and UFO's? Turns out he is an expert on UFO and Alien Truth. Normally i like to write a lot about the videos i post. But there just ain't that much to say. Here's Dan going off on Larry King about aliens and 9/11.

Then, here's Dan in part one of a really long thing about UFO's and aliens. There are eight parts to this epic, and Dan must smoke like 42012 thousand cigarettes before he finishes laying down a foundation of alien truth.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Psychedelic False Apocalypse, In Waves of Truth

 Rem Lezar - 2C-$
cover by Jesse Parrotti
This is a mix that I made a couple years ago. It's in 6 parts and covers about 200+ tracks over 36 minutes. Jesse Parrotti painted its awesome psychedelic cover.
  Rem Lezar - 2C-$ by RemLezar

What goes on at the Desteni farm?

It costs 1200 euros to even get started in Desteni. So once you get signed up, who knows how much it costs to get your own bunk bed and work schedule out at the farm and get all the reading materials and i imagine you would need to buy farm working tools. You might even have to blow the leader, Bernard Poolman, who has some speeches about being all sex positive (not to downplay the eternal truth of this expensive cult (that's all about monetary equality) but, if i were a cult leader and had tons of truth slaves...i think i might just hold a few seminars on how much sex is great, especially sex with gurus, the guru in this room talking to you right now, hint hint, wink wink, my little truth slaves, sorry, I got a little off base thinking truth slaves)and so like most truth sellers, he'd probably be into fucking you in some way or another.
Anyway, because i don't have any money, i can't figure out what the hell exactly goes on at this farm.
I know reptilians, channeling spirits, speeches, worship ceremonies and farming but i also heard something about satanic cult sacrifices and lesbian love parties.
Then i found this video.
It turns out this video is a joke, they reveal it at the end. It was made by Desteni Farm dwellers in response to some youtube comments and accusations.
Now, it's not so creepy that they make a ten minute video joking over and over again about murder and burying bodies, or that they casually pretend to have stabbed their friend and left him in a pit. What's creepy is just how unfunny the video is. These guys seem completely detached from what's funny and what's not. Its as if they've never even seen comedy. Perhaps they don't have SNL or The Office on the farm. But then, that doesn't make sense, because they have the internet. I mean people post youtube vlogs constantly about the merits of shaving one's head, channeling, 2012, the annunaki, why we should all just share, indigo and crystal children. Those Desteni folk love telling me all kinds of things except for what the fuck they do all day.
Well, anyway, beyond the joking about murder and the sorry excuse for a sketch or hoax or whatever, the actual farm work looks tough. They earn their truth. And now, MURDER, LESBIAN SEX PARTIES, SATAN SATAN SATAN 666.......Desteni comedy.......

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Desteni Hairdo or The Destenido

The mail has been pouring in, and you people seem to want to know the truth about these Desteni folks. One fellow said to me, "Why do they shave their heads?" To let the good vibes in? The Desteni farm is hot and sweaty? All the better to equally share the universe?
Nope. Well sort of.
This guy tries to explain. He's a real piece of work.
You won't be able to listen to the whole thing, but basically he shaved his head because like he would be a coward not to do what they told him to do...wait. Let me try again.
They shave their heads because we all think too much about our hair. So it's best to shave it off and talk endlessly about how much he doesn't think or talk about his hair or i mean his lack of hair? Wait.
Ok so they shave their head because, like, shaving your head is not a hairstyle. It's the anti hairstyle. Well no. I mean it's about not making a statement with one's hair, because that would be shallow. So they shave their heads to make a statement about not making a statement via hairstyle. So they cut off all their hair to show that you don't need to style or cut your hair.
That's the truth.
Nothing makes less of a statement than shaving off all of your hair. When i shave my head, the first thing people say to me is, "Oh, you shaved your head, you must be not making a statement about something, and you are clearly not consciously manipulating your appearance."
I'm sorry, perhaps I'm doing a poor job of explaining this truthful practice. Shaving one's head is a tried and true way to prove truth, look smooth, support racism, or become a better fighter and a more subservient or i mean dedicated cult member.
Also, one of the Desteni books dares you to do it. So come on, give me twelve hundred dollars and shave your head, whats the matter? You a pussy?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Thoughts on the Anti-Reptilian Desteni Cult

I've written about these folks before. This chick, she follows this Bernard Poolman fellow, who as far as i can tell is the leader of the Desteni Cult. They all live on a farm, and shave their heads, and believe in something, or everything or anything. Now i don't hate on no cults. And as far as i can tell this one isn't just another CIA mind control thingamajig. This loyal child like girl (yes she's a girl) has tons of videos where she breathes in real deep, then bam, she channels either her spirit guide, "Jack" or a dead guy (Martin Luther King Jr. or Edgar Casey, Bruce Lee, or Tesla, tons of people, thousands of videos, i think she did Heath Ledger but i might be making that up). And i don't mean to make light of this, i don't want anyone to think i am making fun of this teenager with a shaved head who channels dead people and occasionally channels Reptilian overlord God's or Annunaki spirits or seriously all kinds of stuff.
I think she is legit. So again, it's not her, i completely believe she can channel dead people. I do not think she is a confused, tragically misled, poor, brainwashed little girl.
I believe in her ability.
But jesus fucking christ, the shit these spirits say is boring as fuck!!!! Again its not her fault, it's the ghosts, but I can't tell you how many goddamned dramatic pauses there are, how often these dead people (who in life were some of the greatest orators this world has known) struggle for the right word, or contradict themselves, i mean all of them talk like fucking retards. I think something terrible must have happened to the ghost of Martin Luther King Jr, cause he doesn't sound anything like his old speeches anymore. Or maybe all ghosts are just retards or something, because they all just babble on and on about the same vague, pseudo philosophical, pseudo metaphysical bullshit. I mean for the life of me, no matter how many boring as fuck spirits i listen to, i can't figure out what the fuck the spirit world is trying to say!!! It's driving me nuts. I'm gonna have to write about Desteni for a bit. So loyal readers beware. Shit's about to get Desteni up in here for the next few days. I just hope that i don't end up having to dish out the 1200 euros to join the damn cult. I don't think i'd look good with a shaved head. Anywho, here is this chick channeling Hitler, and i don't need to remind you that this guy talked a country of people into genocide. In this video, i seriously don't have a clue what he's talking about. And i feel like I'm someone who has an extraordinary grasp on the truth.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Classic Jurrarri

Mixtapes aside, this is one of my favorite rap albums of the past 5 years, period. This mixtape has great beats and the only 2 "gibberish" tracks I've ever heard on a mixtape/album. Also, there appeared to be 2 different covers for this mixtape depending on whether you got it from or I think I prefer the MixtapeTorrent one (above) as Jurrarri shows that he is too cool even for his own photo shoot, taking his time to text and see if anything else is going on.

Jurrarri + OJ Da Juiceman + green screen =

Monday, December 6, 2010

Neil Degrasse Tyson Knows Truth

This dude only uses science when predicting shit, which usually makes him a pretty tame truth guy. I mean yeah, he makes a lot of sense, but he's always telling me that planet x is bullshit and that 2012 is bullshit, and that aliens are pretty much bullshit and all kinds of shit like that. Apparently he's one of those guys with an unreasonably high IQ and tons of physics-type degrees so he thinks he can just go and rain on my end-times parade. Still, though, he's pretty fun to listen to. In this video he tells us that there's no need to rely on Mayan calenders or all the other stuff that warns of 2012 extinction. Neil says there's a less mainstream but scientifically verifiable date, which might just fuck us the fuck up. This shit's about how if we survive 2012, in 2036 a meteor will at least kill those of us in Cali (not saying i live in Cali, i live in a super secret bunker, again, i repeat, CIA, NSA, reptiles, i am not in California).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reptilian Shapeshifter is beautiful?

Listen. I will be honest, today the truth was vague. I was lost in a haze of non-truth. The ambiguous, confusing ether had succeeded and agnosticized me. Perhaps the beauty of thanksgiving and the miracles of Hannukkah, plus the pending Christmas cheer was making me soft.
So, in the spirit of 9/11:11-4:2012 I abandoned my useless feelings of non-paranoia, and set out for a good old fashioned truth hunt. What i found was truth. This video is beautiful. Truthful. And easily the most important (and my personal favorite) piece of video art, ever made.
This video is about how when Reptilians are on camera, occasionally their true form flashes for a moment, usually in the eyes. They are either unaware of this phenomenon, or they simply enjoy dropping us hints. Like an exhibitionist flashing his balls all over town, the reptilian overlords gives us a shade tipping wink here and there, when they feel giddy.
Now, there are thousands and thousands of videos out there, pointing out different examples of this phenomenon.
But this one. This is it.
While watching this three minute piece, please pretend you are in your cities MOMA, watching this in a big carpeted viewing room. You're sitting on a very modern looking white bench, all by yourself. The room is huge, as is the screen. The lights go out...this video begins.