Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Opening Portals, Energy Healing, and Brain Damage

This guy is Robert Young and he heals people with energy and his accent. He talks slow, but what he says is exciting and vaguely magical. I know he's telling the truth, because he admits to having brain damage and admits that it was this car accident induced trauma, that made him all able to heal people with energy and send messages or blow up his TV or open portals. He doesn't really do this stuff on video cause the timings never right. The host doesn't really care though, the interviewer is like his biggest fan, and there's strange background noise that makes me think it was done in a bar. I'm pretty sure this guy is the truth. And I read a little of one of his five hundred page books, The Magic of Life (The Magic of Life is about a woman who can't feed her kids and her husband doesn't love her and then she meets an alien or ghost or vision or something named Simmion, who just up and gives her food and money anything she wants really and her and her family are pumped and suddenly her husband loves her and then, Simmion just like keeps making everything even better and better for them for 500 pages) He posted the entire book at his website which is worth checking out,
Some people will call him a conman. And others will call him a crazy person. I've watched him for hours and I can't decide. But either way, he is probably truthfully brain damaged.

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