Monday, August 16, 2010

In the beginning there was Zeitgeist

Have you been living in an underground bunker for the last five years, Water Worlding your urine into tap water with a crude filtering system, smoking joints and watching youtube in the dark, searching? I have. Sometimes, when I'm tired of porn and talking to myself, when i realize that my only connection to human beings is this blog, and it goes unnoticed (this is of course because the federal government is censoring me, every chance they get, they have launched countless misinformation campaigns against me, calling me a drug addict, and a failed novelist) i wonder how i ended up down here, all by myself, with a set of beliefs that have ostracized me politically, intellectually, religiously, socially, and magically. How did I find the truth, while so many have failed?
I think it's safe to say that I have an a priori ability to see through the bullshit. That is i was born with the ability to see the truth, and i don't even need those sweet sunglasses like in They Live. But that ain't all. About five years ago or something, i got fucked up and watched Zeitgeist. If you haven't seen Zeitgeist, well, my initial reaction is to say fuck you, but i will bite my tongue, because i feel bad for you and how ignorant you are. Zeitgeist lays out in three sections how religion is bullshit, the federal reserve is bullshit, and 9/11 is bullshit. If you knew me at the time, or anyone else who watched it while stoned as balls, then you have at least heard of this internet sensation. People said stuff like, "Zeitgeist totally blew my mind," or just like talked about it constantly the way people talked about Waking Life, or ten pages of Noam Chomsky they claimed to have read, or Fight Club, or punk rock in general or the bible or some chick they fucked when they were 19. This movie was the shit. But what lots of people don't know is that there is a sequel. Zeitgeist Addendum.
The haters of zeitgeist said, "Ok the worlds fucked, and everything is bullshit, but i could have gotten that shit, without all the detail, in a Fiona Apple, MTV Moon Man acceptance speech. So what the fuck am i supposed to do about it?" Well, Peter Joseph (Creator of Zeitgeist) happily lays out, in Zeitgeist Addendum, how exactly the world should be. And it's a very futuristic Utopian type world, without money, mostly based on this group called, The Venus Foundation. If anything you should watch it, because it's fun to argue for a resource based economy. It's so honest that people get hella pissed. I highly recommend both Zeitgeist and Z Addendum. You can watch them for free here:
Yours Truly,

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