Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lebron James Started the Cuyahoga River Fire!

Ladies and gentleman, i write to you from bunker hideout. I bring you more truthfulness. It's come to my attention that Lebron James may have traveled back in time to June 22, 1969 and started the infamous Cuyahoga River Fire. Deep undercover sources have reported to me, that just moments after the basketball star held a televised public interview to reveal that he was leaving his dying hometown, Lebron winked at the camera and said, "Oh, one more thing I'm gonna do before I go." At this point the superstar traveled back in time, set a local Ohio baby on fire, and shot it like a last second, half court, three pointer into the polluted river, thus causing the entire oil soaked mess to burst into flames. Apparently, when asked the name of the child thrown into the river, King James told a close friend and colleague, "It's name was The Kid From Cleveland Who King Lebron James Tossed Willy Nilly Into The Fucked Up River After Setting The Poor Bitch On Fire." He then added, "Fuck Cleveland. Bout to start a dynasty!" Clearly world domination is a goal and one must assume Cheney and the rest of the reptilian overlords are involved. They gots time machines now. God-Lord-9/11:11-42012 help us all.

1 comment:

  1. Little be known, but Lebron was also responsible for Earnest Byner fumbling the ball on the 3 yard line during that fateful game back in '88. I was there, I seened it! Look at the tapes!
