Monday, August 9, 2010

Joe Rogan is from Planet X

Joe Rogan's comedy doesn't particularly do much for me. But since TV (the anti truth) made him rich, he has lots of time to research fringe science (aka truth) and then talk about it on youtube. He is pals with Alex Jones. He does commentary on mixed martial arts. He himself is some sort of karate type guy i think. I'd like to see him fight Jessie Ventura in a cage match of truth. That would never happen, though, because they both love honesty too much. If you don't know about planet X (aka Nibiru) and the Annunaki aliens who created the human race in ancient Sumaria, Joe lays it all out succinctly in this 5 minute clip. This is a quick and easy to follow introduction to the truthful introduction and explanation of man kind (aka woman kind) and of course planet X, which will destroy us in 2012 (Aka enlighten us). Prepare to have your mind stroked and blown to mental orgasm, by, who would of guessed it, none other than, Joe Rogan.

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