Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No ComPLANErs!

Slick here, slightly more buzzed than usual. It's the AM. I must bring you the truth. This one is a classic called September Clues. Simon shack posted this series about how most of the footage we watched on 9/11 was faked. Like how in the movie 2012, they didn't really fuck up the world, it was just faked with video effects. So, this video shows how it all went down. This is what made me a card carrying no planer (one who does not believe the plane stories). fuck the plane huggers. Simon Shack or simonshack (as he's known on youtube) is not well liked among 9/11 truthers. Some have accused him of being a government planted misinformation artist. Even the Truthers don't want to open their eyes and minds to this one. So, if you don't know about the controlled demolition of WTC 7, this video probably is too big of a step for you. And if you know all about and believe in the Reptilian shape shifters that crop circle people to death, well, this one will be a giant leap backwards. I love it! This video proves honestly that nothing is real until we arbitrarily decide to accept it as so. Therefore, as long as i believe, This be the truth.
believing in everything

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