Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In Hiding

I'm writing this currently 20,000 leagues below the sea, in an underground tavern that was built during world war two by the Nazis. The internet is slow down here. I was into hiding because I've gotten to close to the truth. X files close. But i continue to fight on, ironically in this old nazi hang out. It's comfortable enough, but I had spent the first few days taking down most of the swastikas as they offend me and i don't want to be confused with one of these wack job jew haters. Ladies and gentlemen. I'm laying it out, here and now. Trust me. I know. I've seen it all. And I'm only slightly drunk and a little stoned. But the coffee is brewing. Folks, the Jews have nothing to do with it.
I was forced into hiding when i found a magical worm hole while investigating the molten lava beneath the ruins of world trade tower building 7. I had a hunch that the molten lava had nothing to do with the thermite used to demolish the building, (like most of the want to be investigators would have you believe) But i saw the lava in a youtube video and though it did resemble thermite lava, to me it seemed more...sticky...thicker... more marshmallowy. Now again, i was on some heavy duty 2CB at the time, but I'm not now, and i still agree with the me who made the initial judgment while on the hallucinogen. I'm no wing nut. I do have a drinking problem yes. But am i drunker than i was when i started writing this? Yes. I'm sorry to say. Still, this blatant and radical honesty, is what you can come to expect. I says it like it is.
this be the story of when i discovered that magical worm hole in building seven's lava puddle ruins. I've been backwards and forwards in time, I'm in a fucking bunker. I've made love to Ron Paul and Rand Paul at the same time. I know what makes Glenn beck tick and i know why and how he is a lizard. The annunaki are practically my bro's. The FEMA death camps have been after me since before FEMA existed. I know that JFK brought down those towers simply to avenge his own death, for it was the twin towers themselves in the grassy knoll, mother fuckers. This is the story of truth and how it drives you down in to hideouts and bunkers and makes you drink all the time.
Until next time, please remember. Apollo 13 was a fucking lie and no planes.

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