Saturday, August 7, 2010

Filling up on Hollow Earth Truth

Slick here, down here, below the sea. I'm hot boxing the bunker 24/7. It's been brought to my attention by unnamed though credible sources of honesty and truth, that the earth is most likely hollow. As you know i am the worlds most intolerable skeptic, and so i did not believe it at first. After all, the theory goes against all things science. But i did some digging. Some literal digging. It helped that I'm already underground, I honestly only had to tunnel like 9 or 11 inches and i was there. Balls deep in the truth. There's this whole place like Jurassic Park, with dinosaurs and it's got a Sun and everything. If you're keeping score at home, that's Science: 0, Radical truth: 2012.
This documentary is so comprehensively comprehensive that i can't get all the way through it. Still, I'm sure he probably finds hollow earth at the end of his expedition, and he probably get's amazing footage of dinosaurs and Hitler's remains (complete with little mustache) and the missing gold. Anyway, here's world explorer, Brooks Agnew!
keep the truth

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