Saturday, August 7, 2010

Alex Jones is Obama

We all know Alex Jones predicted 9/11 days before, he was in everyone's favorite movie about late night college conversations, Waking Life. Alex yells everything, and doesn't sleep. He gets arrested all the time, he went undercover at the Bohemian Grove. He yells through a bullhorn at a building he thinks is filled with globalists once a year at the Bilderberg Group protest. In this video he is done up like the joker and is hanging posters everywhere of Obama all done up like the joker. To me this suggests that Alex Jones is telling us that he is actually President Barack Obama. And that the two of them are also, the joker. From batman. I don't know what he means. Alex always blinds me with the truth. But I salute him. Where ever Alex is right now, i think it's safe to say that he is probably yelling truth through a bullhorn.

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