Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Haters of Truth

Anymore, if you want to talk truth, you'd better have a bunker to hide in and the mail bombs ready. Cause lots of fuckers hate the truth. They just downright hate the fact that you know 9/11 was an inside job, and they will yell at you or get uncomfortable and try to change the subject back to something like voting.
Voting sucks.
When i can vote to personally have dick Cheney lay out the plan and play by play execution of 9/11 to me nightly for a month, I will vote.
The haters, will hate you for not voting and yell at you, but once you realize that corporations and satanists faked everybody out and made fake planes and blew up towers and fooled most people into blowing up two perfectly under control dictatorship type countries, all you want to do is fucking yell, TRUTH! through a fucking microphone. Voting just feels passive aggressive at that point. And boring.
Luckily, most of the honesty spreaders can yell, and bring devices like microphones and amps and bullhorns. Because people, nobody wants to hear about truth, except for people who happen to agree with your exact same opinion of what truth is. That's why you have to yell at them to win them over. You have to bully and annoy them into liking you.
And it gets even harder when you have to yell at someone who also wants to yell at you, and both of your truths collide in mid air like two perfectly thrown Chinese stars.
But alas, this is the only way to communicate in the modern age, where truth exists no longer in the group scenario, but on an individual basis.
Here, comedian Doug Stanhope, invites Alex Jones, the knower of all things, on stage to do an introduction for him. The audience was expecting comedy, but Alex is no stand up comedian, and never afraid to spit the truth. Some people try to yell their puny little honesties back. Alex even offers to fight people, he so desperately wants to win them over to his level of truth.
And I'm also going to post one video, where Alex invites Doug Stanhope on his radio show, and they talk about God and Eugenics and Alex talks about sending his offspring out into space, literally. Also, it amuses me the way Doug Stanhope (though clearly intimidated) disagrees with Alex.

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