Sunday, August 8, 2010

David Icke, Lizards and Jews

When my bunker of truth gets too lonely and dank, I turn to one man.
David Icke has the ability to cleanse my soul. When he went on youtube, time and time again to tell me that most people in power are Reptilian shape shifters, I about shit my pants. This was the truth I had been looking for. But, just like most honesty warriors, Icke is quite misunderstood. He was a minor celebrity at first in England (that backwards ass country), then on some tea and biscuit show, called the Wogan show (i think Wogan is a lizard), David quite casually claimed to be the second coming of Christ. Strangely the studio audience did not accept him as their savior that day, in fact they laughed at him. But the truth kept him going. Now he writes and talks about the New world order and how they are Lizards who can shape shift before our eyes. This documentary points out how lots of people (Bill Maher and other haters of the truth) have gotten the retarded idea that when David talks about Reptilians, he actually means Jews. This is bullshit. My followers, my friends, my compatriots: there are so many Jew haters. But this guy ain't one of em. He hates reptilians. Understandably. They control us all and have fucking X men type abilities to change shape. Scary. This is a great video about David's life, and about the hippie moron protesters, who try to stop David from telling the truth. They try to silence him by calling him racist (which again is ridiculous)and as if that's not enough, they throw pies at him and end up just fucking up a book store. Way to go idiots. Icke is the Son of God. Literally.

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