Thursday, August 5, 2010

9 / 1 1 The Essence of all Truth

By now, most of us all know that 9/11 was planned and carried out by Dear Cheney and the Big Bad Wolfowits and a handful of other new worldly orderly reptilian overloads in order to reward the war gods with more war. And of course in return the lack of truthfulness, the opposite of 9/11:11-42012, the federal reserve, rewarded the Reptilians with oil/money and concert tickets and put options. Buuuut, what lots of folks don't have the guts to point out is that there weren't any planes on 9/11. In the safety of my bunker, I'm more than happy to say planes. First plane = Hologram/missile Easy. Second plane, was faked by this dude, with After Effects. Which he explains in the video below. After he explains how he and CNN animated this plane, and put it on TV like it was real, he goes on to add another one. Just to show how much of a bad ass Illuminati guy he is. This guy is a jerk. But he spits truth. A true jerk of truth. I'm sure at this point he's been suicided. But I thank the Holy Number that he lives on through the giver of all truth: youtube. And me.
fuck the plane huggers

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