Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My new radio/shifting hits playlist I will have up around the top of the page from now on.

Bentley Green

Monday, August 23, 2010

Delonte West's Penalties for Living His Life As He Sees Nessecary

So, Minnesota waived him, he's on home detention (only being allowed to travel to games), and the first 10 games of the season he's suspended with no pay.
Just because one night in Maryland he saw it fit to speed by a cop on the freeway carrying two loaded handguns, a loaded shotgun in a guitar case and an 8 1/2-inch Bowie knife while riding a three-wheel motorcycle.
I would like to see either the Cavs or the Warriors pick him up, but I hear he's probably headed back east.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


New Gucci mixtape came out this past week

Download it here if you prefer torrents.
It's ok on first listen. Maybe better than his last mixtape, Mr. Zone 6 overall, but I thought the hits on Mr. Zone 6 were a little stronger. Not to get down on Gucci, Jewelry Selection is still a solid mixtape, but he has a gd song about being a f-ing vampire on here. It's also that his best mixtapes from last year were and are so so so good.
My 3 favorites from last year were probably Guccimerica, The Burrprint (The Movie 3-D), and Diplo's remix mixtape Free Gucci (Best Of The Cold War Mixtapes).

Monday, August 16, 2010

In the beginning there was Zeitgeist

Have you been living in an underground bunker for the last five years, Water Worlding your urine into tap water with a crude filtering system, smoking joints and watching youtube in the dark, searching? I have. Sometimes, when I'm tired of porn and talking to myself, when i realize that my only connection to human beings is this blog, and it goes unnoticed (this is of course because the federal government is censoring me, every chance they get, they have launched countless misinformation campaigns against me, calling me a drug addict, and a failed novelist) i wonder how i ended up down here, all by myself, with a set of beliefs that have ostracized me politically, intellectually, religiously, socially, and magically. How did I find the truth, while so many have failed?
I think it's safe to say that I have an a priori ability to see through the bullshit. That is i was born with the ability to see the truth, and i don't even need those sweet sunglasses like in They Live. But that ain't all. About five years ago or something, i got fucked up and watched Zeitgeist. If you haven't seen Zeitgeist, well, my initial reaction is to say fuck you, but i will bite my tongue, because i feel bad for you and how ignorant you are. Zeitgeist lays out in three sections how religion is bullshit, the federal reserve is bullshit, and 9/11 is bullshit. If you knew me at the time, or anyone else who watched it while stoned as balls, then you have at least heard of this internet sensation. People said stuff like, "Zeitgeist totally blew my mind," or just like talked about it constantly the way people talked about Waking Life, or ten pages of Noam Chomsky they claimed to have read, or Fight Club, or punk rock in general or the bible or some chick they fucked when they were 19. This movie was the shit. But what lots of people don't know is that there is a sequel. Zeitgeist Addendum.
The haters of zeitgeist said, "Ok the worlds fucked, and everything is bullshit, but i could have gotten that shit, without all the detail, in a Fiona Apple, MTV Moon Man acceptance speech. So what the fuck am i supposed to do about it?" Well, Peter Joseph (Creator of Zeitgeist) happily lays out, in Zeitgeist Addendum, how exactly the world should be. And it's a very futuristic Utopian type world, without money, mostly based on this group called, The Venus Foundation. If anything you should watch it, because it's fun to argue for a resource based economy. It's so honest that people get hella pissed. I highly recommend both Zeitgeist and Z Addendum. You can watch them for free here:
Yours Truly,

Wu-tang is for the children

Or at least, they were anyway. Then those kids grew up and now Wu-tang is mostly for adults. Especially the stuff RZA makes lately. Not that it's bad, but they haven't exactly been putting out multiple classic albums a year any time recently. They now have gotten into the mixtape game though and before that, was doing a good job posting yet-unheard wu related tracks for a while.
The best newer wu-tang mixtape I've heard lately is easily Coke Up In Da Dollar Bill, by Raekwon, presented by DJ Scream and DJ Whooooo Kiiiiiiiid! It has a very confident, high energy level through out, maybe it's all that coke Raekwon is pretend doing. I definitely checked out this mixtape as quickly as I did in part because of the silly cover. In a way it makes the mixtape very sad, because if Raekwon attempts to do all of that coke, he's going to die and this will have been his final album.
Also take note, ODB is not really featured on the first track. He just yells about something at the end of the track.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Haters of Truth

Anymore, if you want to talk truth, you'd better have a bunker to hide in and the mail bombs ready. Cause lots of fuckers hate the truth. They just downright hate the fact that you know 9/11 was an inside job, and they will yell at you or get uncomfortable and try to change the subject back to something like voting.
Voting sucks.
When i can vote to personally have dick Cheney lay out the plan and play by play execution of 9/11 to me nightly for a month, I will vote.
The haters, will hate you for not voting and yell at you, but once you realize that corporations and satanists faked everybody out and made fake planes and blew up towers and fooled most people into blowing up two perfectly under control dictatorship type countries, all you want to do is fucking yell, TRUTH! through a fucking microphone. Voting just feels passive aggressive at that point. And boring.
Luckily, most of the honesty spreaders can yell, and bring devices like microphones and amps and bullhorns. Because people, nobody wants to hear about truth, except for people who happen to agree with your exact same opinion of what truth is. That's why you have to yell at them to win them over. You have to bully and annoy them into liking you.
And it gets even harder when you have to yell at someone who also wants to yell at you, and both of your truths collide in mid air like two perfectly thrown Chinese stars.
But alas, this is the only way to communicate in the modern age, where truth exists no longer in the group scenario, but on an individual basis.
Here, comedian Doug Stanhope, invites Alex Jones, the knower of all things, on stage to do an introduction for him. The audience was expecting comedy, but Alex is no stand up comedian, and never afraid to spit the truth. Some people try to yell their puny little honesties back. Alex even offers to fight people, he so desperately wants to win them over to his level of truth.
And I'm also going to post one video, where Alex invites Doug Stanhope on his radio show, and they talk about God and Eugenics and Alex talks about sending his offspring out into space, literally. Also, it amuses me the way Doug Stanhope (though clearly intimidated) disagrees with Alex.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Or download the torrent if you prefer.
'Rarri been had hot mixtapes. Jurrarri is easily one of my favorite rappers right now, not to mention one of my favorite youtube posters. He also has some great album covers, my favorite being his mixtape prior to this one.
Every single track on Jurrarri The Kid Part 4 is good (I don't even mind the talking interludes), but the real standout songs for me are: I Go Bananas, Do Me, I'm Racing, J.U.R.R.A.R.R.I., 2010 Everything, My My My, & Jurrarri Going Loco.  Jurrarri the Kid pt. 4 has great bass and lots of it, but unfortunately no gibberish tracks. I don't think any more are coming--it's been 2.5 mixtapes now.

No ComPLANErs!

Slick here, slightly more buzzed than usual. It's the AM. I must bring you the truth. This one is a classic called September Clues. Simon shack posted this series about how most of the footage we watched on 9/11 was faked. Like how in the movie 2012, they didn't really fuck up the world, it was just faked with video effects. So, this video shows how it all went down. This is what made me a card carrying no planer (one who does not believe the plane stories). fuck the plane huggers. Simon Shack or simonshack (as he's known on youtube) is not well liked among 9/11 truthers. Some have accused him of being a government planted misinformation artist. Even the Truthers don't want to open their eyes and minds to this one. So, if you don't know about the controlled demolition of WTC 7, this video probably is too big of a step for you. And if you know all about and believe in the Reptilian shape shifters that crop circle people to death, well, this one will be a giant leap backwards. I love it! This video proves honestly that nothing is real until we arbitrarily decide to accept it as so. Therefore, as long as i believe, This be the truth.
believing in everything

Opening Portals, Energy Healing, and Brain Damage

This guy is Robert Young and he heals people with energy and his accent. He talks slow, but what he says is exciting and vaguely magical. I know he's telling the truth, because he admits to having brain damage and admits that it was this car accident induced trauma, that made him all able to heal people with energy and send messages or blow up his TV or open portals. He doesn't really do this stuff on video cause the timings never right. The host doesn't really care though, the interviewer is like his biggest fan, and there's strange background noise that makes me think it was done in a bar. I'm pretty sure this guy is the truth. And I read a little of one of his five hundred page books, The Magic of Life (The Magic of Life is about a woman who can't feed her kids and her husband doesn't love her and then she meets an alien or ghost or vision or something named Simmion, who just up and gives her food and money anything she wants really and her and her family are pumped and suddenly her husband loves her and then, Simmion just like keeps making everything even better and better for them for 500 pages) He posted the entire book at his website which is worth checking out,
Some people will call him a conman. And others will call him a crazy person. I've watched him for hours and I can't decide. But either way, he is probably truthfully brain damaged.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Joe Rogan is from Planet X

Joe Rogan's comedy doesn't particularly do much for me. But since TV (the anti truth) made him rich, he has lots of time to research fringe science (aka truth) and then talk about it on youtube. He is pals with Alex Jones. He does commentary on mixed martial arts. He himself is some sort of karate type guy i think. I'd like to see him fight Jessie Ventura in a cage match of truth. That would never happen, though, because they both love honesty too much. If you don't know about planet X (aka Nibiru) and the Annunaki aliens who created the human race in ancient Sumaria, Joe lays it all out succinctly in this 5 minute clip. This is a quick and easy to follow introduction to the truthful introduction and explanation of man kind (aka woman kind) and of course planet X, which will destroy us in 2012 (Aka enlighten us). Prepare to have your mind stroked and blown to mental orgasm, by, who would of guessed it, none other than, Joe Rogan.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

David Icke, Lizards and Jews

When my bunker of truth gets too lonely and dank, I turn to one man.
David Icke has the ability to cleanse my soul. When he went on youtube, time and time again to tell me that most people in power are Reptilian shape shifters, I about shit my pants. This was the truth I had been looking for. But, just like most honesty warriors, Icke is quite misunderstood. He was a minor celebrity at first in England (that backwards ass country), then on some tea and biscuit show, called the Wogan show (i think Wogan is a lizard), David quite casually claimed to be the second coming of Christ. Strangely the studio audience did not accept him as their savior that day, in fact they laughed at him. But the truth kept him going. Now he writes and talks about the New world order and how they are Lizards who can shape shift before our eyes. This documentary points out how lots of people (Bill Maher and other haters of the truth) have gotten the retarded idea that when David talks about Reptilians, he actually means Jews. This is bullshit. My followers, my friends, my compatriots: there are so many Jew haters. But this guy ain't one of em. He hates reptilians. Understandably. They control us all and have fucking X men type abilities to change shape. Scary. This is a great video about David's life, and about the hippie moron protesters, who try to stop David from telling the truth. They try to silence him by calling him racist (which again is ridiculous)and as if that's not enough, they throw pies at him and end up just fucking up a book store. Way to go idiots. Icke is the Son of God. Literally.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Alex Jones is Obama

We all know Alex Jones predicted 9/11 days before, he was in everyone's favorite movie about late night college conversations, Waking Life. Alex yells everything, and doesn't sleep. He gets arrested all the time, he went undercover at the Bohemian Grove. He yells through a bullhorn at a building he thinks is filled with globalists once a year at the Bilderberg Group protest. In this video he is done up like the joker and is hanging posters everywhere of Obama all done up like the joker. To me this suggests that Alex Jones is telling us that he is actually President Barack Obama. And that the two of them are also, the joker. From batman. I don't know what he means. Alex always blinds me with the truth. But I salute him. Where ever Alex is right now, i think it's safe to say that he is probably yelling truth through a bullhorn.

Filling up on Hollow Earth Truth

Slick here, down here, below the sea. I'm hot boxing the bunker 24/7. It's been brought to my attention by unnamed though credible sources of honesty and truth, that the earth is most likely hollow. As you know i am the worlds most intolerable skeptic, and so i did not believe it at first. After all, the theory goes against all things science. But i did some digging. Some literal digging. It helped that I'm already underground, I honestly only had to tunnel like 9 or 11 inches and i was there. Balls deep in the truth. There's this whole place like Jurassic Park, with dinosaurs and it's got a Sun and everything. If you're keeping score at home, that's Science: 0, Radical truth: 2012.
This documentary is so comprehensively comprehensive that i can't get all the way through it. Still, I'm sure he probably finds hollow earth at the end of his expedition, and he probably get's amazing footage of dinosaurs and Hitler's remains (complete with little mustache) and the missing gold. Anyway, here's world explorer, Brooks Agnew!
keep the truth

Friday, August 6, 2010

Shangaan Electro!

South African genre I was just put on to by my buddy Allen (thanks!). All I have is some awesome videos to offer right now, hopefully some mp3s or compilations will follow shortly.

SHANGAAN ELECTRO - "KULUNGWANI" from outsidemusic on Vimeo.

Nwa Gezani My Love / SHANGAAN ELECTRO from outsidemusic on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

9 / 1 1 The Essence of all Truth

By now, most of us all know that 9/11 was planned and carried out by Dear Cheney and the Big Bad Wolfowits and a handful of other new worldly orderly reptilian overloads in order to reward the war gods with more war. And of course in return the lack of truthfulness, the opposite of 9/11:11-42012, the federal reserve, rewarded the Reptilians with oil/money and concert tickets and put options. Buuuut, what lots of folks don't have the guts to point out is that there weren't any planes on 9/11. In the safety of my bunker, I'm more than happy to say planes. First plane = Hologram/missile Easy. Second plane, was faked by this dude, with After Effects. Which he explains in the video below. After he explains how he and CNN animated this plane, and put it on TV like it was real, he goes on to add another one. Just to show how much of a bad ass Illuminati guy he is. This guy is a jerk. But he spits truth. A true jerk of truth. I'm sure at this point he's been suicided. But I thank the Holy Number that he lives on through the giver of all truth: youtube. And me.
fuck the plane huggers

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Introducing...David Wilcox

This guy is one of the greats. He's a regular down here, in my steal box of a truth bunker. He travels the lands and righteously speaks mouthfuls of truth on the enlightenment we are all headed for in 2012. He talks with a headset and shows slides and probably sells lots of books. His first out of body experience was when he was a kid and he saved the pajamas he had on that night. He speaks to aliens in his dreams. David Wilcox is mesmerizing and sometimes I get so mesmerized by his forehead or his smile or his sunken eyes or truth he babbles so incoherently, that I forget to listen. This is him channeling Ra truthfully.

Lebron James Started the Cuyahoga River Fire!

Ladies and gentleman, i write to you from bunker hideout. I bring you more truthfulness. It's come to my attention that Lebron James may have traveled back in time to June 22, 1969 and started the infamous Cuyahoga River Fire. Deep undercover sources have reported to me, that just moments after the basketball star held a televised public interview to reveal that he was leaving his dying hometown, Lebron winked at the camera and said, "Oh, one more thing I'm gonna do before I go." At this point the superstar traveled back in time, set a local Ohio baby on fire, and shot it like a last second, half court, three pointer into the polluted river, thus causing the entire oil soaked mess to burst into flames. Apparently, when asked the name of the child thrown into the river, King James told a close friend and colleague, "It's name was The Kid From Cleveland Who King Lebron James Tossed Willy Nilly Into The Fucked Up River After Setting The Poor Bitch On Fire." He then added, "Fuck Cleveland. Bout to start a dynasty!" Clearly world domination is a goal and one must assume Cheney and the rest of the reptilian overlords are involved. They gots time machines now. God-Lord-9/11:11-42012 help us all.

LRMR Conspiracy

By far the most intriguing basketball article I've read all year. about Lebron James and his marketing company LRMR, and about how he probably actually made his decision to go to Miami.

In Hiding

I'm writing this currently 20,000 leagues below the sea, in an underground tavern that was built during world war two by the Nazis. The internet is slow down here. I was into hiding because I've gotten to close to the truth. X files close. But i continue to fight on, ironically in this old nazi hang out. It's comfortable enough, but I had spent the first few days taking down most of the swastikas as they offend me and i don't want to be confused with one of these wack job jew haters. Ladies and gentlemen. I'm laying it out, here and now. Trust me. I know. I've seen it all. And I'm only slightly drunk and a little stoned. But the coffee is brewing. Folks, the Jews have nothing to do with it.
I was forced into hiding when i found a magical worm hole while investigating the molten lava beneath the ruins of world trade tower building 7. I had a hunch that the molten lava had nothing to do with the thermite used to demolish the building, (like most of the want to be investigators would have you believe) But i saw the lava in a youtube video and though it did resemble thermite lava, to me it seemed more...sticky...thicker... more marshmallowy. Now again, i was on some heavy duty 2CB at the time, but I'm not now, and i still agree with the me who made the initial judgment while on the hallucinogen. I'm no wing nut. I do have a drinking problem yes. But am i drunker than i was when i started writing this? Yes. I'm sorry to say. Still, this blatant and radical honesty, is what you can come to expect. I says it like it is.
this be the story of when i discovered that magical worm hole in building seven's lava puddle ruins. I've been backwards and forwards in time, I'm in a fucking bunker. I've made love to Ron Paul and Rand Paul at the same time. I know what makes Glenn beck tick and i know why and how he is a lizard. The annunaki are practically my bro's. The FEMA death camps have been after me since before FEMA existed. I know that JFK brought down those towers simply to avenge his own death, for it was the twin towers themselves in the grassy knoll, mother fuckers. This is the story of truth and how it drives you down in to hideouts and bunkers and makes you drink all the time.
Until next time, please remember. Apollo 13 was a fucking lie and no planes.


Here's this truthful not crazy chick. She has made over a thousand videos where she truthfully channels dead people, like Hitler, JFK, The annunaki, Edgar Casey and lots more. She is totally legit and going to save the world. She is not crazy. Some suggest she is a part of a cult because of her cult like shaved head. But i think the spirits shave her head so as to let the demons and spirits have easier access. She talks bout 2012 and stuff. She knows everything. If you like this. I dare you to watch them all.