Friday, April 1, 2011


Sometimes i just get baffled. Four wars. People who support the military don't like to think of what's going on in Libya as war. The proud patriots will say something like, "This is just rebel air support!" Civilians are already dying. Blown up little kids don't care if the bombs that fell on their hospital bed were dropped in an effort to take out some government, they don't care about the rebels, they don't care that the CIA with the help of Saudi Arabia fueled this fire, created unrest, armed these people, funded this conflict, then claimed to have nothing to do with it, and claimed that the only way to stop this violence is by sending in war planes to blow up the place. Dead kids don't give a shit about that shit.
The CIA has been doing this since the 1950's. When they want something from another country, first they try to bribe said leader. IF that doesn't work, they try to kill the leader. IF they can't kill him, then they go in, make it look like the country is going nuts with rebellion (which they fund and create) then they send in war planes and blow the whole place to hell. Then they step through the rubble and the bodies take all the oil and resources for free. The rebels, the civilians, who ever survives will in the end be left to clean up the mess and blamed for the whole ordeal.
But lets say you don't buy that shit. Let's say you haven't read anything on the CIA and you haven't heard of Chomsky or whatever and you honestly still think they are nice and cool. Let's say you think that America is really just honestly and nicely trying to help honest rebel forces fight the evil empire.
So who are we supporting then? Who are these rebels? What do they want? What do they support? Who is their leader? What sort of government are they planning on setting up? I'm not saying they are going to be way worse than the current regime, but why on earth are we willing to kill for this rogue group of street warriors? Unless of course we want to lead a coup and set up one of these warriors as our own little American puppet dude, who will rule over his people with an iron fist and keep them poor while living a robust American funded life of luxury and in exchange giving us all of their resources for free (because we won't have to pay the pesky little civilians! FUck em!)
During Vietnam, we had this little side project going in a little place called Cambodia. We decided, hey let's arm and fund and give air support to group of revolutionary's led by a guy named Saloth Sar (or maybe you know him better as Pol Pot) anyway, he and his group of merry rebels were fighting the powers that be, and we offered our help, and with our help he won and decided to cleanse the country and slaughtered 2.5 million people in death camps.
Is that what is going to happen to Libya? Probably not. Maybe. Most likely we will bomb the fuck out of them, leave them in a state of chaos, take control of their resources and do the same to Syria. Oh yeah, by the way, Syria is next.

if this is too political, and someone wants to hear something more creepy. Here is some weird shit on the subject.

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