Friday, April 8, 2011

Government Shut Down!

The government is going to shut down. They claim to not have any money. But don't worry, congress will still get paid. Also, don't worry, we will keep bombing Libya (by the way, my new favorite phrase is Humanitarian Bombing). The troops won't come home. That sounds about right. We will stop paying them, then also strand them. At some point I'm sure we will collect and pawn off their uniforms and college education credits. Then we will send the naked soldiers off with rocks and sticks and tell them to just throw the rocks at little brown children and to just eat their fallen brethren should anyone get hungry. Old school mercenary style.
I guess the gov shut down in 94. Remember THE GREAT SHUT DOWN OF 1994!!!!? I don't. But i guess it happened.
This dude seems pretty credible and he thinks that this is it. World War III. The fall of the empire. War forever always. I'm not sure i agree, seems like this could just be political bullshit like a fake story or something. But again, i feel like i could talk to the vlogger below in a bar for hours just toasting each other and agreeing with each other about how the world is bullshit. And occasionally debating the difference between the Illuminati and The New World Order.
If everything does collapse, i suggest you load up on guns and bring your friends and form gangs like in Gangs of New York and The Warriors and Mad Max and The Road and don't forget your bulletproof vest and football shoulder pads. Looks like we got about 12 hours.
Goodluck at midnight.
If the internet ends as well, I won't see you. I will cease to exist without the internet. So just in case, may i wish you truth.

Also this guy's a bit of an art film director too!

1 comment:

  1. Fuck. I knew the Illuminati had something to do with jellied cranberry sauce. But I didn't know they had control of our adorable stuffed animals too.
