Sunday, April 3, 2011

Libya, Syria , then Iran

Now the plan is starting to get out. Libya. Then Syria. Then Iran. We officially live in Nazi Germany.
May the lack of God help us all.
Here's another Russian TV post as that's all i watch lately. It's real easy, you can't trust any American news station to talk about America. But you can trust Russia to talk shit about America. Just as well, if you want the real news about Russia, American news is probably the way to go. Well. No. If you want the news on Russia you probably wanna go to the BBC or Al Jazzera. American news is pretty much never the way to go. You'd probably be better off with some drunk/stoned dude's vlog (like mine).
Anyway, it's just like we always thought. Libya, Syria then Iran. That's what's next. If you are keeping score at home, that goes: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan (yes CIA drones are still bombing Pakistan), Libya, Syria, and finally Iran.
When does it count as World War III? When do the nukes start flying?
The Nazis conquered France, Poland, Ethiopia, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg (any other ones?)
Rome conquered Britain, Asia, Europe, and a little bit of Africa.
But see, the difference is the shadow. This time the western powers that be are trying to be all smooth about it, not calling it what it is. These arn't coups we are arranging and funding, and shooting for, these are "interventions." So maybe they will get away with it. Maybe American hegemony will go on and on forever.
The question is, will the internet have an effect? Not me of course. Nobody reads this. This is more about me typing it. But what I mean to ask is, now that Russian TV is an option, now that Americans have countless portals of information that are not controlled by the CIA, now that the truth is actually getting out about how the Military Industrial Complex operates, will it make a difference? Activists have been claiming for years, that transparency is the key. Bring their wrong doing into the light and they will no longer be able to operate. But will they? Does knowing about any of this change anything?
I'm not sure.
I see soldiers going to Iraq perfectly comfortable with the fact that they are just hired guns for Haliburton. I see a nation completely unfazed by another war. I see earthquake machines, and crazies and porno and christian fascism being mocked as if that helps eradicate the ignorance, as if we could laugh away the toxic-ally brainwashed. I see millions of idiots battling against gay marriage, i see millions of smart capable well meaning people battling for gay marriage, and all the while the moderates out there are expressionlessly getting married, and fifty percent of them getting divorced and I'm sitting here drinking cup after cup of coffee, and for the life of me i can't even remember what the fuck marriage is? What does it mean? What does it mean to have your love supported by an entity of war?
What does it mean to pay taxes on the income you earn from a job you don't like, and then have those taxes pay for a war you don't want? Isn't that slavery? But how can there be slavery if freedom doesn't exist? How many questions can i ask to no one before i start needing answers that don't exist?
How heavy can i get before i get self conscious and start joking?
Maybe I'm just kidding.
That's it. I was just joking with all those pseudo intellectual paradoxes.
I don't really give a fuck. There's nothing to give a fuck about.
I'm gonna go get stoned and drink in the Sun and wait for the wave to wash us all away, the long rolling tidal monster that haunts my dreams.
When i see it in the distance I'm going to dance away the last couple of minutes and then fuck my love as I'm carried off by the white water. As I'm weightless and breathless and finally free, my last dumb little thought will be something like, "what's the big deal?"

1 comment:

  1. There's always so much stupid shit to keep us fighting over - the things that don't really matter - so all the really appalling shit doesn't get noticed. We're too busy squabbling over the definition of marriage (not that I don't think that's important, mind you) and taxes and government involvement, while we ignore all the little brown countries getting bombed to shit.
    We're fucked, so I'm gonna have another beer and forget for a while. I can't say I wouldn't welcome drowning in oblivion.
