Wednesday, April 6, 2011

San Francisco and Japan Warning Poem

In honor of national poetry month or whatever and my growing angst i will compose a poem today.
Ahem,(By the way, i apologize because this is offensive in so many ways)
Warning San Fran
Warning Japan
This guy thinks
Japan will sink
Oh and then
the land slide will send
a thousand foot tidal wave
toward all the west coast babes
Damn, i loved Japan
Damn, i loved San fran
And yeah i guess LA
was pretty Ok
Oh well, stupid HAARP
Soon my bunker will be covered in water and sharks
(again i apologize especially for that last line, it's really long, and doesn't really flow, but i notice that alot of Def Jam poetry is kind of like about breaking the rules you know, like ee cummings, fuck your conventions!)

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