Thursday, April 21, 2011

UFO's have been IDENTIFIED!!!!

Greetings truthers!! I just got back from the Belly of the Beast, where i was whoring myself out for an art project called Doggie Woggie Poochie Woochies that the monsters over at Everything Is Terrible are trying to make happen in an effort to possibly save the world.
And not a moment too soon i might add.
Here is a video, showing all this crazy unexplained shit in the sky. The shit is so unexplainable, it lends itself to only one explanation. Extra dimensional beings.
Now, at first, they just play that crazy song from the crazy drug movie (plus tons of other movies, that line of strings is just the go-to tune for when you want to scare the pants off of folks) and then they show all these crazy lights in the sky, which are pretty and fun to look at no matter what you think they are. They could be nature, or aliens or experimental planes or HAARP or a huge hokes or maybe all the lights are camera hallucinations (I'm not sure if cameras can hallucinate, but they can drop acid, so I'm thinking maybe)
Then they play this clip of this guy who is crying and having a nervous breakdown on the air and claiming to have worked for Area 51. Now this dude sounds very much like someone with paranoia issues, who may or may not have gone off his meds and started maybe mixing fantasy with reality, and mixing booze with other drugs and wearing tin foil hats. Buuuut, that's just what he sounds like. I suppose if someone were working for area 51 and found out about all this scary shit and then had to go on the run to save his life from extra dimensional beings, well, he would probably sound like someone with a few screws loose. I would like to talk to maybe one of his family members to hear about if this guy maybe had a brief history with speed, and or delusional paranoid nightmares about aliens and area 51. Perhaps he started confusing his job at Wallmart with a job at area 51 which then caused him to get fired, which then caused him to really go off, you know really dive down into that rabbit hole everyone had been telling him to avoid at all costs. He does after all mention getting fired in his teary rant and it seems to me that if area 51 wanted someone dead, they wouldn't fire him first. If it were me, i would set him up for a promotion and then put a bullet in his temple. Sounds cold, i know, but in my line of work, you have to start putting yourself in the minds of the extra dimensional beings. And if i were one and wanted his secret kept, I'd tell him he was doing a great job and then dumb that fucker desert, right?
Anyway, this video is cool, and strange, and disturbing or at least pretty. Also, one more time, i want to type, extra dimensional beings. Fuck creatures from space. From now on, i only care about beings from other dimensions.
over and out

1 comment:

  1. Well, that was creepy. Not so much the first part - adding Lux Æterna to any video is kind of a cheap shortcut to goosebumps - but I'll admit the call is unnerving. But yeah. You know the goods on extra dimensional beings (you down wit EDB?) and they let you off on medical leave? Righto.

    Also HELL YEAH DOGGIEWOGGIEZ! POOCHIEWOOCHIEZ! Thanks for taking my awkward phonecall for the telethon. Made my wee day.
