Saturday, April 2, 2011


So, Gaddafi got mad, because despite the massive amounts of oil they sell, they are still broke. The people of Libya (with plenty of funds and nudging from the CIA and Saudi Arabia) are getting the idea that they are destitute entirely because of Gaddafi. Gaddafi is saying to his people, no you don't understand i have been getting bitch slapped by the West for forever. He's saying, it's not me, it's them.
Say what you will about the guy, but he's right. You think once we kill him, and a couple hundred thousand civilians, we are going to install some virtuous leader, who then nationalizes his countries oil, thus bringing the people of Libya out of squalor? Is anyone anymore so naive to think that we would spend billions and kill civilians in order to improve that quality of life of Libyan civilians?
I feel like the American public actually believe that you can save a country by bombing it. I'm surprised that we didn't try to nuke New Orleans in an effort to save it so many years ago.
SO much Goddamn violence, fucking end times mother fuckers. Makes me want to start a fucking stupid punk band.
Have the rich just got this?
Seems like it.
They literally have been doing the same shit for a century and it seems very likely that the rich white man will continue to confuse and mislead and kill the brown and black third world until every last drop of oil is sucked from the sand beneath their starving rotting feet.
You can't blame the rebels. They are starving and so when someone tells them it's Gaddafi's fault, they have to listen. At least they feel like they can go after him. Whereas when Gaddafi retorts, it's the fault of the West, what the fuck are a bunch of starving fifteen year old kids to do, arm up with a fucking AK and storm the white house? So the people are fucked either way, fighting a war they can't win and arn't meant to win, being used by the empire simply to replace their leader with one that will continue to stomp all over them. A leader that will keep them down and bow down to the west at the same time. A leader that will be tossed the bones and scraps of his broken country and told to just keep those assholes in their place.
And here i am blogging about it to the choir. Screaming into an empty bucket, in a locked closet, sound proofed and buried underground or launched into the vacuum of space where the sound of my voice doesn't even exist. A hospital of children is burning. 18 American veterans will kill themselves today and the day after and everyday until these wars stop, they seem to collectively be stuck on the number 18 as it is also the age in which their lives were taken and sacrificed for the sexual and material gain of an old white man they'll never know. The rebels will be lead into battles with their brothers and abandoned to die for nothing.
And at the same time an oil man is trying to decide if he should buy a Jet-boat or just another wave runner for his summer cabin. He will think about it for just a moment before purchasing both toys, satisfied with his decision.


  1. I would get the jet-boat if i already had 2 wave runners. otherwise if i just had one wave runner i'd get a second because it's more fun with a friend.

  2. yeah, in this day and age it just seems silly to only have one jet runner.
